Energy distribution solutions | Hager


Solut­ions that combine high-level energy perfo­rmance, ease of instal­lation and stra­ig­ht­fo­rward system expan­sion in the future.

Energy Distribution

Energy distrib­ution could be desc­ribed as the modern building art of deli­ve­ring elect­ricity in a safe, stylish and effic­ient manner. Our elect­rical infrastruct­ural solut­ions are perfect for almost all kinds of buildings.

Manage working spaces, meet inte­rn­at­ional design standards and reach perfo­rmance levels beyond client expectat­ions. Hager’s vast range of inno­vative products not only connect with such demands, their ease of instal­lation and usage is equally consid­ered. We’re also a future-driven group, so the uncomplic­ated scal­a­bility and aest­h­etics of our instal­lat­ions simply adds to the value of any prop­erty.

Whether it’s for switc­hgear, prot­ection and encl­os­ures to single or double-point charging stat­ions for electric vehicles, we cover all the bases so that any elect­rical infrastructure project remains state-of-the-art for many years to come.

quadro evo
Evol­ution is with you

quadro evo enables for larger projects and more options. It eases plan­ning, building, and instal­ling, while drop­ping maite­n­ance work to an all-time low. Disc­over how Hager defines evol­ution with this new distrib­ution board.

Surge prot­ection devices
Keeping people and prop­erty safe

Disc­over our new range of surge prot­ection devices prot­ecting your elect­rical instal­lat­ions and term­inal equi­pment from overv­oltages.



Teaming up with Hager creates value for your business in mult­iple ways:

comprehensive choice

Comp­re­he­n­sive choice

You can find everyt­hing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solution: an extra­o­rd­in­arily broad range of products, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­lation

You can count on stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, rapid instal­lation of our products, thanks to our thoug­htful approach to design and construction. Even in situat­ions where the requirements are exce­pt­i­o­n­ally chal­le­n­ging.

Future proofing

Future proo­fing

Offer your cust­o­mers solut­ions that are built to last. We make sure our products are flex­ible, adaptable and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomo­rrow as well as those of today.



Work with confid­ence and reass­urance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can prec­isely match – or exceed – your cust­o­mers’ expectat­ions, every time.

The right solution
for every applic­ation

Main switc­hb­o­ards

Our main switc­hb­oard range is composed of a wide choice of refe­re­nces and allows to achieve all combin­at­ions needed for your projects. Secure and aest­h­etic, they have been deve­l­o­pped as solut­ions for modern comme­rcial eletricial distrib­ution systems.

Small encl­os­ures

As a spec­i­a­list for housing and comme­rcial prem­ises encl­os­ures, we provide a large range of products. Plastic or steel encl­os­ures, flush or surface mounting, there is always a solution to fit to your need.

Main inco­mers

Allow the conn­ection, prot­ection, brea­king and switc­hing in the low voltage distrib­ution boards. The range incl­udes air circuit brea­kers, moulded case circuit brea­kers, main switches and chan­ge­over switches. The offer is comp­l­eted by earth leakage relays and torroids to build a main prot­ection with adjustable setting for your instal­lation.

Prot­ection devices

We offer a wide range of prot­ection devices, such as miniature circuit brea­kers, auxil­i­aries and acce­s­s­ories, RCD add-on blocks, single pole and switched neutral devices, 2 and 4 pole RCCBs, RCCB auxil­i­aries, RCBOs, HRC fuse carriers, moto starters, earth fault relays and surge prot­ection devices.

New ways to distribute energy


h3+ MCCBs

The new gene­ration of Hager h3+moulded case circuit brea­kers guarantees reli­able prot­ection against overl­oads and short circ­uits, as well as targ­eted, inte­g­rated energy monito­ring for all low voltage distrib­ution systems.

Learn more about h3+ products

witty charging stat­ions                                                                  

At Hager, we're reimagining elect­ricity for a better planet. With this new tran­s­port revo­l­ution, we're convi­nced it is more than about mobility, we are shaping the cities we live in.

Learn more about witty charging stat­ions

Disc­over the energy distrib­ution
Product range

To disc­over more about our products and their applic­at­ions, please click on the link

Discover Assembly


Take the low voltage distrib­ution plan­ning to the next level

hage­rcad is a fully inte­g­rated, elect­rical plan­ning software from Hager, offe­ring maximum simpl­icity, speed, reli­a­bility and flex­i­bility

We're here for you, with you

Our experts support you with your projects, anytime needed.