Hager worldwide | Hagercad 6 is now here!

Hage­rcad just got better
And 5 Became 6!

Hage­rcad 6 plan­ning software now reaches more people in more ways than ever before! For those of you who are new to Hage­rcad – it is an elect­rical design software package that simpli­fies the plan­ning and docume­ntation of elect­rical instal­lat­ions. Desi­gned for multi-resid­e­ntial and comme­rcial projects, it can be used to design instal­lat­ions up to 4000A – now Hage­rcad 6 comes in 3 edit­ions adapted for your needs: Basic, Expert and Premium.

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Get Hage­rcad 6 now!

Simplify your life, improve your work

6 great reasons to use Hage­rcad 6 Software

Collabo­ration function

Sync and share the same info at the same time

New user-frie­ndly inte­rface

Making design work a pleasure

Manage mate­rials lists

Save time and move easily between projects

Develop wiring diag­rams

More cust­om­isation poss­i­bi­l­ities

Windows 10 & 11 Comp­atible

Quick and easy autom­atic updates

Produce quotat­ions

By encl­osure, list or even location!

The 3 edit­ions

Basic - Small resid­e­ntial and comme­rcial

Expert - For increased power demands

Premium – All types of sites up to 4000A