Security system for your buildings | Hager

Making your home safe

A safe house is one that prot­ects you from elect­rical hazards, fire and intrusion.

A couple relaxing on a sofa using a tablet in a cozy living room with warm lighting

As a preve­ntion and dete­rrence tool, the alarm is above all a means of gaining comfort and peace of mind by reducing the risks of burg­lary, assault or even fire. Desi­gned and deve­l­oped in France by our engin­eers, our alarm systems combine ease of use and reli­a­bility.

Secure your home.

Pres­erve the well-being and peace of mind of your family.

  • Burglar-proof entrance door
  • Inte­rcom, video inte­rcom and digicode in collective housing
  • Open­ings and windows well closed
  • Garage, cellar and outb­uildings closed with solid doors
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed
  • Elect­rical diag­n­osis carried out and NF elect­rical standards met
  • Safety distances respected with elect­rical appliances in water rooms
  • Burglar alarm system with siren
  • Intrusion detectors, pres­ence simu­lators, surve­il­l­ance cameras, etc.

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    Products cata­logue

    sepio alarm system

    Smoke/Heat detectors

    Motion detectors

    KNX solut­ions

    Conn­ected security in a few clicks

    Simple, effective and comp­lete, our sepio conn­ected alarm system is the security asset for your home. Using a tablet, a smart­p­hone or via the Inte­rnet, you can secure your home in just a few clicks: closing the roller shutters, trigge­ring the pres­ence detection system, acti­vating the alarm, etc.

    Compliance means safety

    A faulty instal­lation is a source of nume­rous elect­rical risks: damaged comp­uter equi­pment, electric shocks, domestic fires, etc. To avoid these dangers, the first step is an elect­rical diag­n­osis.

    The next step is to bring the instal­lation into compliance. Here again, the inte­rve­ntion of a profe­s­s­ional elect­rician is the guarantee of an elect­rical instal­lation acco­rding to the rules of the art.

    Person relaxing on a sofa with another person using a tablet in a living room with modern lighting fixtures

    The conn­ected home with Hager

    Live more freely, live better conn­ected. Disc­over all Hager solut­ions to develop your home autom­ation acti­vity in assoc­i­ation with the sepio alarm (Bluetooth, radio, KNX).

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    Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.