sepio intruder alarm solution

Guarantee the safety of your cust­o­mers with the sepio radio alarm, made in France.

Secure your cust­o­mers' homes or business prem­ises with the sepio intruder alarm.

Guarantee the safety of your cust­o­mers with the sepio radio alarm, made in France.

Key features of
the sepio alarm

An alarm that talks

Unique on the market thanks to its voice assistance, the sepio house alarm commun­ic­ates with you and your cust­omer. Follow the voice instruct­ions step by step and save time on your instal­lation.

An alarm that deters burg­lars

With its flas­hing voice siren and exte­rnal detector, the sepio radio alarm reacts outside the home and verb­ally alerts unwa­nted visitors of its detection.

A conn­ected alarm

The sepio radio alarm can be cont­ro­lled remotely.

The user rece­ives instant notific­at­ions in case of an alarm and can acti­vate/deacti­vate his system. The alarm can also send SMS/MMS or voice mess­ages.

A fire alarm

The sepio smoke detectors are cert­i­fied to meet the elect­rical standard. Your cust­omer is info­rmed of a fire or fire risk on his applic­ation, by voice message or SMS/MMS.

Prog­re­s­sive dete­rrence,
how does it work?

With sepio, dete­rrence is rein­f­o­rced! Depe­nding on the intruder's
prog­ress, the exte­rnal siren first broadcasts a dissuasive warning message to desta­bilise him and make him flee. And if the intruder is detected a second time, the general alert is given.

The sepio alarm is
an esse­ntial part of the conn­ected home

Live better conn­ected. Disc­over all Hager solut­ions to develop your home autom­ation acti­vity in assoc­i­ation with the sepio alarm (Bluetooth, radio, KNX).

Why choose
the sepio home alarm

Clean design

Sign­ature of the Hager know-how.

Easy to install and simpli­fied use

Thanks to the voice synt­hesis.

Control by smart­p­hone

So that your cust­o­mers stay in constant contact with their home.

Anti-tampe­ring alert

Triggers the system 24 hours a day in the event of a malic­ious act (brea­kage, damage, opening).

Need help? Want to buy an alarm?