Digital tools | Hager


Our digital tools are readily avai­lable to help you with your projects.


eCat app

Your personal digital cata­logue

Browse through thous­ands of Hager products with desc­ri­pt­ions, techn­ical data and down­l­oad­able PDFs avai­lable 24/7. We've also thrown in all of our print cata­lo­gues, broc­h­ures and flyers, so you're always up to date with the latest Hager deve­l­o­pments. 

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Ready to assist you

From down­l­oad­able software to apps, we have all the resources you need to comp­lete your project quickly and effic­i­e­ntly. 


Berker TS confi­gurator

It's easy to cust­omize your Berker TS Sensor! You define for each sensor surface laid its labe­ling and symbols.

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hage­rcad 6

Take the low-voltage distrib­ution plan­ning to the next level! hage­rcad is a fully inte­g­rated elect­rical plan­ning software from Hager, offe­ring maximum simpl­icity, speed, reli­a­bility and flex­i­bility. 
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Calc­u­late low voltage elect­rical instal­lat­ions, from short circuit study, cable sizing, prot­ective device sizing, voltage drop, to disc­ri­m­in­ation and backup study.


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