Investments for the future | Hager Africa

Safely and Simply - producing more, better and faster

Value Proposition

Investing in fact­o­ries: Increased capacity

Over the past 24 months Hager has embarked on an ambitious production expan­sion program to be able to meet your demand for our products now, and in the future. In Germany and France in part­ic­ular, faci­l­ities have been expanded by more than 10,000 m2 and €83 million has been invested so far. One of the highl­ights was the inaug­uration of our new €50 million factory in Bieruń, Poland, with more than 21,000 square meters and 1,000 new emplo­yees.

Manag­ement, charging, storage and distrib­ution

Curre­ntly the demand for elect­ricity is matched by the nece­s­sity to manage it effic­i­e­ntly. Building a better world requires inno­vative answers that are ready now and future-proofed for tomo­rrow.

Energy Manag­ement for all kinds of buildings

Adapting perfectly to the sustain­able needs of resid­ents, investors and building owners, e-mobility solut­ions, energy storage and effic­ient distrib­ution infrastructure from Hager help get you ready for the future, safely and simply today.

Charging infrastructure in semi-public and private faci­l­ities

Empo­we­ring your electric future and e-mobility ambit­ions – The power is in your hands! The witty vehicle charging station range from Hager it's everyt­hing you need for your sustain­able energy tran­s­ition.

Distrib­uting energy safely

High currents place high demands on the safety of any instal­lation. To secure this crit­ical junction in energy distrib­ution, power distrib­ution systems enable standard-compliant and fast instal­lation of low-voltage distrib­ution boards and safe control of switc­hing loads.

Staff: Dedic­ated to you

New emplo­yees are constantly stre­n­gt­h­e­ning our teams in the areas of production, logistics and admin­ist­ration. All our colle­agues are working flat-out for you in every department of the company.

Supply chain: Reli­able production & deli­very

Through constant commun­ic­ation with our supp­liers, the establ­is­hment of early warning systems and advanced deli­very models, we quickly identify any supply issues supply and take proactive measures so you will always get an accurate order lead-time picture.

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