
Our building autom­ation solut­ions set high standards, combining soph­ist­ic­ated techn­o­logy with a unique design while opti­m­ising space alloc­ation.


room solution

Movement detection, autom­atic switch-off and autom­atic control are the standout features cust­o­mers will enjoy using for their lighting, shutters and blinds. Not only does this soph­ist­ic­ated and remote-operated techn­o­logy exhibit stylish inno­vation, it is also cost-effective for the end user. Reacting to ambient dayl­ight or to the pres­ence of people, these easy to install solut­ions save energy in the absence of people or when sunlight is suff­ic­ient. Adaptable to user prefe­re­nces and intuit­i­vely operated, work and living spaces become ambiances that are conducive to comfo­rtable living.

To sum up, our switches, sockets and sensors leave nothing to be desired in terms of comfort, mobility and safety, while at the same time opti­m­izing space alloc­ation and costs. To disc­over more about our expe­rtise, products and their applic­at­ions, please click on the link:



berker for building autom­ation

Switches, sockets and sensors combine soph­ist­ic­ated KNX techn­o­logy with ease of use and unique design, so you can enjoy optimal comfort and security.


White and blue electrical wall switches mounted on wall

berker elect­ro­nics & RF solut­ions

Enjoy berker switches and sockets solut­ions using KNX radio-frequency techn­o­logy for easy refitting or exte­n­sion of existing instal­lat­ions.


Create with us individual custom-made solut­ions for your projects! With an unli­m­ited choice of surfaces, colours and mate­rials, we make your switches and sockets unique.

KNX system

Control all your smart devices with a safe and future-proof system based on the open KNX prot­ocole.



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domovea simpli­fies comp­l­e­xity of smart building techn­o­logy by using only one comp­o­nent - a vers­atile, smart and effic­ient solution.

Design switches and sockets

berker ranges of switches and sockets range from classic to contempo­rary design. Rewa­rded mult­iple time by inte­rn­at­ional prizes, their outstanding style can be found in the most beaut­iful and exciting buildings in the world.

berker TS confi­gurator

With the new berker TS confi­gurator, select your desired symbol elements, define for each sensor surface laid its labe­ling and symbolism, choose the respective name and order!


Teaming up with Hager creates value for your business in mult­iple ways: 

Comp­re­he­n­sive choice

You can find everyt­hing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solution: an extra­o­rd­in­arily broad range of products, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of instal­lation

You can count on stra­ig­ht­fo­rward, rapid instal­lation of our products, thanks to our thoug­htful approach to design and construction. Even in situat­ions where the requirements are exce­pt­i­o­n­ally chal­le­n­ging.

Future proo­fing

Offer your cust­o­mers solut­ions that are built to last. We make sure our products are flex­ible, adaptable and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomo­rrow as well as those of today.


Work with confid­ence and reass­urance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure

you can prec­isely match or exceed your cust­o­mers’ expectat­ions, every time.


Noka camp luxury lodge, South Africa

Hager's autom­ation solution has wildlife lodge's guests in the lap of luxury.

Anahita resort, Mauritius

Disc­over the exce­pt­i­onal 5 star, golf and spa resort, nestled between the mountains and turquoise lagoons of this reno­wned dest­in­ation.
Modern luxury house with large windows, outdoor pool, and lake view at dusk

Villa West­ling, Stoc­k­holm

Avant-garde design, 100% cust­om­ised Hager solut­ions and a world-leading arch­itect owner combined for a seamless partn­e­rship to create this outstanding contempo­rary resid­ence.

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Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.