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People, passion and change

Read our latest Hager Group Annual Report 2021/2022

In this 80-page report, you can read about the impl­eme­ntation of our sustain­a­bility plan, the Blue Planet Comm­itment. You will learn about a project in the Middle East to reduce CO2 emiss­ions and about an initiative in Sweden that enables our cust­o­mers to achieve their own sustain­a­bility goals. 


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Our FAQ section is desi­gned to help you solve any issues you may have, as well as to help you get the most out of your Hager solut­ions. 

How-to Videos

Our vast range of how-to videos are pres­e­nted by industry experts and are desi­gned to save you time. Stay effic­ient on the job by keeping up-to-date on how to install the latest solut­ions. Anytime, anyw­here and on any device!

We'll show you how. Can't quite get the hang of it? Looking for a few tips and tricks? Why not check out our How-to video selection, we've got a wide range of tuto­rial videos to help you perfect your skills or find that little detail you were looking for.