witty charging stat­ions
Take the road of new energies

Your Hager charging point solution.

Easy to install and intuitive to use, witty charging stat­ions allow your cust­omer to safely charge their electric or hybrid vehicle.

Electric car plugged into a Hager charging station in a residential setting

Safe and reli­able charging stat­ions

The mome­ntum is there, the evol­ution of the car will be driven through elect­ricity. One of the chal­le­nges of this evol­ution lies in the deve­l­o­pment of recharging infrastructures. The witty charging stat­ions can charge all electric and hybrid vehicles.

They are simple, user-frie­ndly and secure for both private and public access and are easy to install. The charging stat­ions comply with the inte­rn­at­ional standard IEC 61851. With the IP54 degree of prot­ection rating and high impact resistance, the term­inals are suit­able for both indoor and outdoor use.


Usage : indoor, outdoor
Instal­lation : wall or pillars
Charging mode : acce­l­e­rated charging
Vehicle type: cars and vans
Advantages : comp­actness
Plug type : T2S plug type

witty park

Usage: indoor, outdoor
Instal­lation : wall or pillars
Charging mode : acce­l­e­rated charging
Vehicle type : cars and vans
Advantages : comp­actness
Plug type: T2S type socket + E type socket

Techn­o­logy for electric mobility

The type of charge will influence the charging time depe­nding on the power.

Private vehicule

Mode 3 (1-phase)
7.4 kW
with access control and
billing services
witty or witty park

Cust­o­mers vehicule

Mode 3
1 or 3 phase
7.4 to 22 kW
With or without access control and
billing services
witty or witty park

Company vehicule

Mode 3
Single or triple
7.4 to 22 kW
With access control
witty or witty park

Carpark private/public

Mode 3
1 or 3 phase
7.4 to 22 kW
With access control and
billing services
witty or witty park

Did you know?

An electric vehicle battery can hold roughly the same amount of elect­ricity that the average house­hold consumes in a week.

Electric cars are defin­itely more eco-frie­ndly than cars with inte­rnal comb­ustion engines: electric vehicles produce between 28 and 72 percent less the gree­n­h­ouse gas carbon dioxide over a life cycle of 150,000 kilo­m­eters. Sources: Inte­rn­at­ional Council on Clean Tran­s­po­rtation (ICCT).

10 years expe­rtise with EV charging

We're a pioneer in electric car charging infrastructure, with more than 10 years of expe­ri­ence. More than 20 000 charging stat­ions are already installed in France.

Our expe­rtise has been reco­g­n­ised by the most famous electric car manufacturers (Renault, BMW, Audi, etc.).

Your bene­fits

Intuitive look

A light signal system indic­ates the operating status of the charging station.

Conve­n­ient usage

A storage basket makes it easy to remove the vehicle's power plug from the term­inal. With witty.park, 2 cars can be charged simultan­e­o­usly.

Easy inte­g­ration for billing usage

witty IP are upgraded with latest open charge point prot­ocol OCPP1.6 making it fully comp­atible with 3rd party cloud-based network.

Strong and robust design

Deve­l­o­pped by our desi­gner Erwin Van Hande­n­h­oven, witty excl­usive design is pate­nted with a prot­ected concept.

Grid-frie­ndly inte­l­li­gent charging techn­o­logy

Between the electric vehicle and the charging station thanks to the new ISO15118 compliance.

Home smart load manag­ement

Avoid blac­kout, with the inte­g­rated EEBUS smart load manag­ement. Regu­late and opti­mize the energy flow between your home energy usage for charging vehicle and production (grid, solar, standard loads).

Your docume­ntation
witty charging station

  • witty charging stat­ions broc­hure

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