Manufaktur tailored-made solutions for your projects | Hager


The World of individual solut­ions
Modern dark-tone residential electrical outlet covers on display

The easiest way
to individual elect­rical instal­lation

Hager Manufaktur supp­orts you reli­ably in the cons­ultation, plan­ning and impl­eme­ntation of individual custom-made products. Access the full range of modern elect­rical instal­lat­ions. From the individ­ually confi­gured package from the existing product ranges to the modific­ation of individual products to the spec­i­ally deve­l­oped one-off, which is manufactured by hand with the utmost care. With it we guarantee you also with special requests, the accust­omed standard with best quality.

8 reasons for a comp­lete 

One contact

You have a single point of contact for all esse­ntial parts of the smart elect­rical instal­lation.

Project manag­ement

Your project manag­ement will be

sign­ific­antly stre­amlined. Instead of brin­ging three or four spec­i­a­l­ists to a table, one phone call is enough.


Our deve­l­o­pment and production departments are closely netwo­rked. This project can only benefit your project.


The overall instal­lation is of cons­istent quality. No gap, no weak spot.

Unfirom appe­a­rance

All our departments use the same raw mate­rials and supp­liers. A good basis for the uniform appe­a­rance.


Techn­o­logy and know-how tran­sfer are not keywords, but lived company philo­s­ophy.

Comp­lete range

The comp­lete Hager range is huge and covers all major areas of elect­rot­ec­hn­ical instal­lation.

Overall process

The comp­lete process is a cohe­rent overall process.

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One design - diffe­rent products

Cable manag­ement

Whether skirting trun­king or floor conn­ection column, with the right design, the cable manag­ement is given aest­h­etic in addition to its function.

Door commun­ic­ation

You do not have to be an esthete to think now: "Good, if shape, color and surface harmo­nize". There­fore, with the help of the Manufaktur, you can design your door inte­rcom in the style of your switches.

Switch design

A huge amount of surfaces, colours and mate­rials are avai­lable to make a switch from a series unique. And should the desired still not be there, then we develop one more...

Your way to manufaktur

1. The first step

Talk to us. It's ideal if you contact us while you're disc­us­sing the poss­i­bi­l­ities with your cust­omer. Our sales staff may be able to provide one or two new ideas.


2. The plan­ning phase

Of course, we will provide you with tender texts and support you through the process of deve­l­o­ping the solution. We can have drawings, samples, docume­ntation, and more ready for you. 


3. Your order

Please send your order to your elect­rical whol­e­s­aler, as normal. You will receive a time-limited quotation from them. They will also schedule your order and handle the logistics.

Special colors

The entire range of RAL and RAL design colors, Sikkens paints, NCS paints, DB and sanitary colors are avai­lable when it comes to setting accents in the cable routing. There are also propri­etary mixtures and powder coat­ings with metallic effects. Vari­ants in the mate­rial are also poss­ible. For example stai­n­less steel, V2A,  V4A - pure, ground or brushed.


Do you need a cust­om­ised solution?