Sustainability | Hager Africa & Near East

Shaping a sustain­able future together

Acting side by side
We all want to play a part in making the planet cleaner and more enjo­yable – now and for future gene­rat­ions. As main brand of Hager Group, we share the company’s approach towards sustain­a­bility. We call it E3: ethics, emplo­yees, envi­ronment. Part of this is our Blue Planet Comm­itment (BPC). It is our promise to orie­ntate all our collabo­rative business acti­vities for a better, cleaner future. 


Future proof

We provide a choice of solut­ions to help your cust­o­mers switch to e-mobility, monitor energy or even store energy! Get full control over the energy manag­ement of a building without comp­rom­ising on security or perfo­rmance, and in full regu­latory compliance.

to last

Long-lasting, robust products are a key ingredient of a low-carbon business. Our product testing proc­e­dures are famo­usly strict, resulting in products and solut­ions which are built to the highest German engin­e­e­ring standards. You might never need to replace them!

Avai­lable envi­ronme­ntal decl­a­rat­ions and cert­ific­ates

To ensure safety while respecting the envi­ronment, you have open access to envi­ronme­ntal documents about our products. More coming soon!

Did you know?

Less emiss­ions

Hager Group is working on cutting its direct CO² emiss­ions by 50% by 2030. Check out our corpo­rate website for more info­rmation.

Did you know?


Most of our production sites already impl­ement envi­ronme­ntal manag­ement systems along ISO14001. At Hager Group we are also improving our energy effic­i­ency with new machinery that annually saves up to 80t of CO2.

Did you know?

Sustain­able Packaging

You won’t find much virgin plastic in our packaging. Today at Hager Group, 80% of our total packaging is made out of cardb­oard and we use water based, solvent-free ink for printing. By 2024 our packaging will be 100 % sustain­able.



Did you know?

New mate­rials

Around 200 plastic comp­o­n­ents in our products
are made of recycled plastic. Find out more
on our corpo­rate website about Hager Group’s
eco-design approach.

Partn­e­rs­hips for prog­ress

Ready to tackle climate change? Together we can shape our cities with buildings and solut­ions contrib­uting to a safer and cleaner world. You can find great examples of succ­e­s­sful Hager partn­e­rs­hips with a sustain­able approach, see below!




Question about envi­ronme­ntal sustain­a­bility?

Get in touch with our spec­i­a­list.