Hager Mood app | Hager Africa

Hager Mood

Applic­ation for cont­ro­l­ling Bluetooth-equi­pped lighting and opening devices.

Create scenes, prog­rams and groups, and easily animate switches around the house.


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Hager Mood
Bluetooth conn­ect­i­vity for all

Your cust­omer can control electric shutters and lighting via Bluetooth. No need to know anyt­hing about home autom­ation, your cust­omer is auto­n­omous as soon as your inte­rve­ntion is comp­lete.

Effo­rtless control

Lights, roller shutters... all home equi­pment can be cont­ro­lled at your fing­e­rtips.

Autom­atic prog­rams

It's easy to define actions that repeat autom­at­ic­ally (opening shutters in the morning, turning off lights in the evening...).

Active groups

In the twin­kling of an eye, create a group to control several lights or shutters simultan­e­o­usly (kitchen, living room or shutters...).

Cust­om­iz­ation scenes

Adapt lighting and shutter opening to the mood of the house by creating scen­a­rios (movie night, bedtime...).

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Hager Bluetooth cont­rols,
how it works

Conn­ected dimmer switch

Ref. WXF070
To switch on, off and dim Bluetooth lighting points.

Conn­ected shutter switch

Ref. WXF080
For lowe­ring and raising electric shutters via Bluetooth.

Bluetooth switch,
what design for my cust­omer?

Gallery color plates

Contempo­rary colors to choose from in satin or metallic: eglantine, peacock blue, champagne gold... To disc­over!

Fine mate­rial plates gallery

Delic­ately embo­ssed plates in wood or metal effect for an elegant deco­rative effect.

Real mate­rial cover plates gallery

Glass, stai­n­less steel, alum­inum, copper, slate, wood or leather... A selection of refined cut-to-size mate­rials.

esse­nsya color plates

riviera, coral, botanic, anth­racite, sierra or terra... Natural, disc­reet shades for resid­e­ntial applic­at­ions.

Tuto­riels Hager Mood

Program a time switch

To schedule shutter and/or lighting actions acco­rding to spec­ific days and times.

Handover the instal­lation to a cust­omer

In this detailed and easy to follow How-to video, we will show which steps have to be followed to tran­sfer an instal­lation to a cust­omer.

View a schedule using a cale­ndar

In this example, a schedule has just been created and it shows you how to select the output of the schedules you wish to view.

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