FAQs| Hager

Freque­ntly Asked Quest­ions

How can we help you?

Whether it conc­erns advice or support: we are here for you. We have collected quest­ions that we regu­larly receive, this way you will find the answer to your question in the fastest way.


Can not find what you are looking for? Contact our cust­omer supportWe are here for you!

Where can I buy your products?

We sell our products through our various partners in Africa and the Near East. To find your closest partner: click here


How to find product user instruct­ions online?

For more info­rmation on the use of our products, please consult our Products pages on the website here. We make the instruction manuals freely avai­lable to our cust­o­mers. In case of diffic­ulty, contact our experts here

Do you offer product trai­ning?

Our partners support you in deve­l­o­ping your skills. Get in touch now with the nearest partner to attend face-to-face trai­ning. Find more info­rmation on our trai­ning courses in our Trai­ning and Webinars page.


How can I contact you?

You can use the follo­wing contact page to reach us anytime needed.


Could you send me a paper cata­logue?

We deliver docume­ntation to down­load in pdf format on our product pages or directly from our Down­load section

Would you prefer a paper version, please contact your closest Hager partner.


How can I obtain access to myHager?

If you do not yet have a myHager account, please create an account by clic­king here. After confi­rming your personal data, you can access your myHager space any time from the Login tab.


How can I access the Hager Partner Space?

The Hager Partner Space is a space rese­rved for official Hager distrib­utors located in Africa and the Middle East. To access the Hager Partner Area, please log in to your myHager account as an official distrib­utor via the follo­wing link. If you do not yet have a myHager account, please create an account by clic­king here. Your access request will be proc­e­ssed by our team within 48 hours.


How do I find my myHager pass­word?

If you can't find your pass­word, use this link to reset it myHager.


Where can I down­load Hage­rcad?

Attend a comp­lete trai­ning with our experts and receive the Hage­rcad software. Contact one of our partners now to get the software: click here.


Where can I find the price of your products or have a project esti­m­ated?

To know the price of our products or have one of your projects esti­m­ated, please contact your closest Hager partner.