berker ranges of KNX switches and sockets | Hager

berker for building

Techn­o­logy that makes the most of your space.

Smart home automation systems displayed on a table with various textures and materials, showcasing interface designs

Time­less design, outstanding quality

User-frie­ndly inte­rface and techn­ical perfection. Design speaks for itself.

berker unique design

We offer a wide range of wiring acce­s­s­ories with unique design lines, a hug amount of surfaces, colours and mate­rials. With real mate­rials and diffe­rent finishes to choose from, there are more than 100 aest­h­etic poss­i­bi­l­ities to blend in with the inte­rior design of our cust­o­mers’ homes. Our range incl­udes mult­iple award-winning, high-end design lines like 1930, R classic, TS, plus high-end KNX offer (BIQ, TS Sensor).

Switches, sockets and sensors combine soph­ist­ic­ated techn­o­logy with ease of use and unique design, so you can enjoy optimal comfort, mobility and security.

Looking for custom design?

No problem, then we develop one more!
We can make your wishes come true with our custom-made services. With it we guarantee you also with special requests, the accust­omed standard with best quality.

Our Hager manufact­uring process creates a unique range of wiring acce­s­s­ories for our cust­o­mers that repre­sent a genuine combin­ation of high-tech

perfo­rmance and craft­sman­ship.

Through printing, lase­ring, surface treatment or finishes with special mate­rials, each device becomes truly one-of-a-kind.

Smart decision: the Hager KNX system 

Switch your home to the future

Your installer will route a bus cable parallel to the 230V cable, which will connect the switch to thermostats, motion sensors, lights and other comp­o­n­ents. This means you can control all those comp­o­n­ents flex­ibly and comfo­rtably.

Greater funct­i­o­n­a­lity
means greater individ­ua­lity.

Light control

For more conve­n­ience, energy effic­i­ency and security: berker motion sensors, plug sockets with LED orie­ntation light, dimmers and timers.

Blind adjustment

It can do everyt­hing you need from a blind adjuster and more - in combin­ation with timers or storm sensors, the control offers greater security in the event of break-ins or storms.


Thermostats enable you to get every room to exactly the right tempe­rature. If the room is no longer in use, the unit can autom­at­ic­ally cool it down again.

Radio touch

Can be fitted into any flush-mounted box: The radio with a touch screen. Can also be combined with the mult­i­m­edia outlet - for direct conn­ection to other audio sources.

Hager elect­ro­nics plat­form

Be it battery-operated and surface-mounted or 230 V and flush-mounted: The Hager elect­ro­nics plat­form offers switches and devices with radio tran­sm­itters which enable you to control blinds, lights, time funct­ions and central funct­ions comfo­rtably from anyw­here in the home.

Mult­i­m­edia outlet

The mult­i­m­edia outlet is open to practic­ally everyt­hing. It provides conn­ect­ions for note­b­ooks, projectors, PC monitors, mobile devices, hi-fi systems and much more.

TS confi­gurator

With the berker TS confi­gurator, select your desired symbol elements, define for each sensor surface laid its labe­ling and symbolism, choose the respective name and order!

Learn more about berker switches and control systems