KNX system
The building autom­ation

KNX systems are a solution for the inte­l­li­gent manag­ement of comme­rcial buildings.

For more comfort, more safety and more energy savings.
Modern house facade with balcony and outdoor lighting at dusk

Open up the poss­i­bi­l­ities with
KNX systems from Hager

KNX is an ideal solution for cont­ro­l­ling elect­rical equi­pment in the service sector at a reas­on­able cost. Regard­less of the type of building conc­e­rned, it allows you to cent­ra­lise energy consumption data and to better control them.

With KNX, it is poss­ible to create scen­a­rios and to control lighting, open­ings (roller shutters or blinds), energy, heating or even air cond­it­io­ning.

What are the KNX systems?

The KNX prot­ocol is a unive­rsal mult­i­m­edia standard that offers almost 
unli­m­ited poss­i­bi­l­ities in the field of building manag­ement (from 100 products). It is the most powe­rful and advanced home autom­ation solution on the market. It allows the autom­ation of building applic­at­ions such as hotels, offices or shops.

Choose KNX systems
for your projects!


A single refe­rence can be used to manage several funct­ions

simultan­e­o­usly (open­ings and lighting, heating and detection, etc.).

Easy to install

Benefit from simpli­fied conn­ection with quic­kc­o­n­nect term­inals.


Access several levels of funct­ions, depe­nding on the prog­ramming mode (ETS, easy, quic­klink).


Add more complex or new features later. With the ETS software, products can be re-prog­rammed, regard­less of their gene­ration.

Can be securely expanded
thanks to KNX

Some providers of smart home

solut­ions use propri­etary, closed systems. Hager, on the other hand, uses the establ­ished KNX standard. You can there­fore guarantee reli­a­bility for your cust­o­mers well into the future.

Home autom­ation for everyone

The reno­vation solution. Our wire­less alte­rn­ative for the inte­l­li­gent building control system. There is no need to lay costly control lines and system launch is easy, with no prog­ramming tools required.


To the product cata­logue

For new builds and exte­n­sive reno­vat­ions.

With easy, a KNX system comp­rising Hager

comp­o­n­ents can be confi­gured simply, quickly and intuit­i­vely. A tablet and the Hager Pilot app are all you need. Each easy confi­guration can be enhanced with quic­klink wire­less solut­ions.


To the product cata­logue

The standard­ised software perfectly suited for larger instal­lat­ions.

With ETS, nume­rous advanced funct­ions which are part­ic­u­larly suit­able for high-end solut­ions for

resid­e­ntial and funct­i­onal buildings can be planned.


To the product cata­logue


Monito­ring applic­at­ions
in comme­rcial buildings

Lighting manag­ement

To switch on, off or dim autom­at­ic­ally. Comp­atible with LED techn­o­logy.

Heating manag­ement

To switch on, switch off or regu­late the tempe­rature. In summer or winter mode. Comp­atible with electric, hot water or fan coil heating.

Manag­ement of the shutters

To open (raise), close or stop the roller shutters during descent. It is also

poss­ible to tilt the slats of the blinds.

Energy manag­ement

To detect network anom­a­lies, reduce energy bills and secure the building.

Outstanding design meets comp­re­he­n­sive comfort

The new KNX Touch Control is a room control unit and tempe­rature cont­ro­ller in one and masters the art of touch like no other. The inno­vative design fits disc­re­etly into any ambience - from upscale resid­e­ntial buildings to repre­s­e­ntative comme­rcial buildings. Design frames ensure the harmo­n­ious inte­g­ration into the favored switch range.

domovea basic/expert

Inte­l­li­gent visua­l­isation, intuitive operation – easier than ever
before. domovea is the smart home solution for the

netwo­rked building control system.

Would you like to deliver a cust­om­ized
solution to your cust­omer ?