Smart home

What­ever prot­ocols they use, domovea provides a
common inte­rface for all your smart devices,
enabling them to commun­icate seamle­ssly. In other words, domovea lets you create a single system from a range of stand-alone solut­ions.
Hager electrical distribution board installed in a white brick wall

Simply bril­liant: one comp­o­nent
for all funct­ions.

Control your home
in a smart way !

The vers­at­ility of domovea is reflected in the wide range of devices that you can use to control your smart home. The choice is yours.


The smart­p­hone is the most popular control device. With this in mind, when deve­l­o­ping the app we were careful to ensure that the inte­rface is just as clear and user-frie­ndly when viewed on smaller disp­lays.

Touch panel

You never need to hunt for this control device: A touch panel is always in the same place just like a light switch, but it disp­lays info­rmation as clearly as a tablet.

Smart watch

Control your smart home on the go: You can even control certain

applic­at­ions while out jogging.

Laptop or tablet

People usually find that
using a tablet or laptop is the most conve­n­ient way to set up funct­ions or

Dive­rsity can be so easy

Establ­ished standard

Easy is based on inte­rn­at­ional KNX standards and there­fore offers you flex­i­bility and security in the future.

Easy set-up

Easy can be installed in a few steps and set up with the Hager Pilot.

Secure remote access

With myHager, remote access is poss­ible anytime, anyw­here - pass­word prot­ected and secure.

High expanda­bility

Up to 255 KNX wire­less products and 255 wired KNX devices can be linked together.

domovea - the many-in-one solution.

The new domovea comp­o­nent sensibly bundles funct­ions for the smart building control and the hard­ware is cond­e­nsed into just one element: Establ­ished KNX easy funct­i­o­n­a­l­ities and an IoT cont­ro­ller (TJA560) are now inte­g­rated.

Everyt­hing you need to know in compact form

In our inte­ractive online trai­ning course you will learn everyt­hing about KNX easy and domovea from Hager. What is KNX and how do I install KNX easy?

What poss­i­bi­l­ities does domovea offer me?

Simply bril­liant: one comp­o­nent
for all funct­ions.

  • domovea basic
    domovea expert
  • easy set-up
    Yes - 510 devices
    Yes - 510 devices
  • ETS set-up
    Yes - unli­m­ited
    Yes - unli­m­ited
  • IP-cameras
  • IoT
  • Seque­nces
    Simple dono­g­rams
    Simple to complex
  • Tempe­rature control
    Control of target values in conj­unction with TYM646R      or TXM646R (heating actuator with cont­ro­ller)
    Zone control in conj­unction with TYM646T or TXM646T (heating actuator without cont­ro­ller)
  • Door commun­ic­ation/Elcom
  • ETS prog­ramming inte­rface
    Local and via remote access

Quick and easy:
Inte­g­rate domovea into KNX systems

Thanks to domovea, the confi­guration of inte­l­li­gent KNX buildings, whether in the resid­e­ntial or tert­iary sector, is done in just a few steps. 

Install and connect domovea

The best things come in small packages:
The two comp­o­n­ents TJA670 (domovea basic)

and TJA470 (domovea expert) each only

take up six space units on the DIN rail.

Open Hager pilot and start domovea

Hager Pilot is the indis­pe­n­s­able app or inte­rface that allows you as an installer not only to confi­gure domovea, but also to tran­sfer it to your cust­omer and other users. You can down­load it from the App Store. The confi­guration of domovea is poss­ible with easy as well as with ETS Import.

Confi­gure domovea

Assign, annotate and document funct­ions of the room structure, create logics and IoT conn­ect­ions and manage the measurement reco­rding. With the domovea confi­guration, visua­l­isation and enhanced funct­ions are quick and easy to confi­gure.

Acti­vate the applic­ation and start operation

You can use the domovea app to check all
confi­gured funct­ions and visua­l­isat­ions without delay. The follo­wing pages explain how to
create addit­i­onal users and hand over the project.

Even more operating options

Nume­rous funct­ions can be operated via KNX push-button, tablet, smart­p­hone, voice command or Apple Watch.

easy server as domovea comp­o­nent

The previous easy server will be supe­rs­eded by domovea basic. You there­fore only need one smart module.

Building funct­ions, IoT exte­n­s­ions & IFTTT

In addition to classic KNX funct­ions, the IoT cont­ro­ller and the IFTT exte­n­s­i­bility are also inte­g­rated.

Uniform visua­l­isation

domovea offers a contempo­rary visua­l­isation solution with an intuitive user inte­rface.

Down­load the apps

domovea: your smart home

domovea is the applic­ation to control your home, in conj­unction with the TJA670 and/or TJA470 servers.

- IoTs inte­g­rated in a powe­rful

visua­l­isation tool
- Improved design and ergo­n­omics
- Select diffe­rent types of users
- Simpli­fied scen­ario creation
- Remote access

Hager Pilot

Hager Pilot allows you to confi­gure and manage the domovea TJA670 and TJA470 server.

During the instal­lation phase, the App allows you to:

- Confi­guring the KNX instal­lation with the easy confi­gurator
- Confi­gure the domovea visua­l­isation software

domovea and Hager Pilot software,              ready to down­load!