berker design
speaks for itself!

Interior design mood board with fabric swatches, paint samples, and electrical outlets and switches

Hager stands for exce­pt­i­onal design

Hager's switches and systems make the diffe­rence. This is confi­rmed not just by our many cust­o­mers, but also by the expert judging panels of a number of national and inte­rn­at­ional prizes who honour berker time and again.


Be it classic, modern classic or contempo­rary Hager is syno­n­ymous with outstanding design.


Hager offers you the widest variety of shapes. And there­fore custom solut­ions for every arch­itect­ural concept.


Mate­rials, production, cons­ultancy and services – Hager offers top quality in every area.


Hager switches and systems are open to what's happ­e­ning today. And to what­ever tomo­rrow may bring.

15 diffe­rent design lines

Disc­over the poss­i­bi­l­ities

The spectrum ranges from classic to contempo­rary designs. You can choose between various diffe­rent mate­rials within a number of series. Such a wide variety ensures that each arch­itect­ural line can be perfected down to the finest details.

berker R.1


berker R.3

berker R.classic

berker W.1

berker 1930 series


berker Glass series


berker Q.1

berker Q.3


berker Q.7


berker B.3


berker B.7


berker 1930 series Porc­e­lain made by Rose­nthal

berker K.1

berker K.5


berker S.1

berker live
and in colour

This is what our design lines look like in use. See for yourself.

Smart decision: the KNX system from Hager

Switch your home to the future with the KNX system from Hager.

More room
for individ­ua­lity.

Every home is diffe­rent. Every office and every funct­i­onal building is too. Because the arch­itecture, fixtures and inte­rior are desi­gned to spec­ific prefe­re­nces or requirements. It is a question of each individual's own idea of design and comfort, function and pres­ence. We cater to them all with a single port­folio that offers more individ­ua­lity than ever before.

Good design.

Hager's switches and systems make the diffe­rence. This is confi­rmed not just by our many cust­o­mers, but also by the expert judging panels of a number of national and inte­rn­at­ional prizes who honour berker time and again.

We are here for you, with you.

Our experts support you with your projects, anytime needed.