Distribution boards | Hager Africa

Distri­bu­tion boards

Discover Hager's range of enclosures for the creation of your electrical panels in commercial buildings. quadro evo, quadro+, invicta  are complete solutions of enclosures and cabinets to be composed or monoblocs, adapted to the technical constraints of your sites.

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quadro evo

quadro evo is the next phase in elec­trical distri­bu­tion. In fact, it intro­duces many improve­ments – raising the entire system to the next level.


Boards and floor standing enclos­ures.


IP5 protec­tion degree


Quick and easy to install

quadro equip­ment system

Common to quad­ro4, quadro5 and quadro+ evo

auto­ma­tion enclos­ures

One system for indoor and outdoor applic­a­tion.

invicta panel boards

invicta panel­boards have been developed as an optim­ized solu­tion for small to medium commer­cial install­a­tions and large home projects