
Exce­l­lent techn­ical perfo­rmance and

funct­i­o­n­a­lity, as well as virt­ually endless design poss­i­bi­l­ities for switches, timers, sockets and a whole lot more.

Value Proposition

The finis­hing touches and atte­ntion to detail are what make a job comp­lete. Simple or tailo­rmade, our vast choice of acce­s­s­ories - switches, sockets and timers more than meet the demands of any project, resid­e­ntial or comme­rcial. Our wiring solut­ions are also conc­e­ived for exte­r­iors such as gardens, garages and luxury terraces, incl­uding durable wate­rp­roof vers­ions for weather-exposed areas. From mini­ma­l­istic modern to retro design, all tastes are more than catered for, comp­rising enhanced high-value features for inte­r­iors that are also simple to install. Naturally, all budget solut­ions are exte­n­s­i­vely covered to suit any requirement, as are conn­ected wiring acce­s­s­ories for smart home conve­rs­ions and new construction plans.

With diffe­rent colours and finishes to choose from, there are more than 100 aest­h­etic poss­i­bi­l­ities to blend with resid­e­ntial and comme­rcial inte­rior designs. Again, ranges include mult­iple award-winning, high-end design lines such as the 1930, R classic, TS, plus high-end KNX offer (BIQ, TS Sensor).


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berker R.3

Square surround, round-centre - the berker R.3 design plays skilfully with cont­rasts.
As with the berker R.1, this product range has all the qual­ities of a contempo­rary surface switch. It is also equally robust and unbre­a­kable thanks to its stable plastic base.

Local content


One range, fewer parts and endless options for any building. With finishes and rich colours offe­ring options to suit any budget..

Local content


Your range of resid­e­ntial switc­hgear with the esse­ntial features for maximum comfort at home, without exce­eding the cust­o­mers' budget!


The Hager Manufaktur supp­orts you reli­ably in the cons­ultation, plan­ning and impl­eme­ntation of individual custom-made products. Access the full range of modern elect­rical instal­lat­ions.

Discover assembly

berker switches and sockets

Hager's switches and systems make the diffe­rence. This is confi­rmed not just by our many cust­o­mers, but also by the expert judging panels of a number of national and inte­rn­at­ional prizes who honour berker time and again.

British standards

Nice designs, wide choice of switches and colours, each product can be easily adapted to your spec­ific needs.


When a standard becomes well-known, Hager still walks on the highest point of the standard and uses one of the best mate­rials in the world Bayer PC, envi­ronment frie­ndly, anti-flaming, and strong texture.


With fine craft, desi­gned prec­isely, only for the purpose of providing abundant wiring space and conve­n­ient instal­lation means.


The ultra-slim, fram­e­less design allows the switch to be inte­g­rated into the wall; the simple and large panel makes the contact easy, and each touch creates the most pleasant moment.

Modern light switch on a geometric pattern background with hexagonal plates in various shades of green and blue

Design for comfort and safety

Gath­e­ring the beauty of life's flex­i­bility, collecting the scenes of space painting,
always accom­pa­n­ying night­fall light, only wishing to light your heart for returning home.
UK power socket and makeup products on a black background

Design for a better life

Creative round design. Conjoined switch, socket and data combin­ation, a delight on the wall, conve­n­ient and beaut­iful.
Assortment of sleek white and red switch and socket covers on a dark wooden floor with a shadowy background

Live your dream

The ultra-slim, fram­e­less design allows the switch to be inte­g­rated into the wall; the simple and large panel makes the contact easy, and each touch creates the most pleasant moment.

gallery in your

gallery is the perfect solution for all living spaces within a home, contrib­uting to the aest­h­etics and supp­l­eme­nting the techn­ical solut­ions in an inte­rior design project.

Hager excl­usive

We focus on list­e­ning to your needs, as it’s so individual: from color to pattern, from pattern to motif. Every detail matters, and we make it unex­p­ect­edly perfect.


Great project outc­omes from recent collabo­rat­ions with our partners

References 1

25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin****

The lifestyle and design hotel is young, urban and trendy. A place to be that is located in the listed Bikini-Haus, a former industrial, comme­rcial and office building from the 1950s in the City West.F
References 2

Anahita resort, Mauritius

Anahita – a sub-trop­ical dest­in­ation situated in an exce­pt­i­onal 5 star, golf and spa resort, nestled between the mountains and turquoise lagoons of this reno­wned dest­in­ation.
References 3

The Hobo Hotel, Stoc­k­holm

Award-winning inte­rior desi­gners, Studio Aiss­li­nger from Berlin, created a unique envi­ronment for this charming bout­ique hotel in Stoc­k­holm. With 201 rooms, modern design and funct­i­o­n­a­lity come together in style at the Hobo.

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.