Outstanding in form and function


Style and substance coincide

No two arch­itect­ural design are alike and the techn­o­logy behind them can be equally unique. That‘s why arch­itects rely on solut­ions from Hager which are pion­e­e­ring in terms of techn­o­logy and aest­h­etics. For special requirements, there is the Hager Manufaktur department: fulfil­ling handmade, individual design requests in countless mate­rials, colours and other cust­om­iz­at­ions that supply the finis­hing touches to any building or room.


Live your dream with best-in-class fram­e­less ultra-slim design, high quality and large panel of funct­ions for your projects.


This is the art of evol­ving with you, with large colour options and finishes for your comme­rcial and resid­e­ntial projects.

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Disc­over the wide variety of berker products. And find out inte­resting facts about switches and building control systems.

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