Electrical solutions for architects | Hager


Create unique expe­ri­e­nces for your clients

Delight your clients with memo­rable designs, ambiances and room solut­ions, supp­o­rted by our unri­valled range of solut­ions for energy infrastructure and manag­ement.


Brin­ging life to buildings 
For you, with you

At Hager, we accom­pany arch­itects in their work from project conc­e­ption to impl­eme­ntation. We help you create smart, healthy and future-orie­nted buildings, enhancing the facades of your projects with out of the box-solut­ions, while guarant­e­eing everyt­hing is taken care of by reli­able Hager profe­s­s­io­nals.

You'll obtain sustain­able solut­ions, cons­istent design language, award-winning design conc­epts in a fruitful working relat­io­n­ship, by your side from start to finish.

Sustain­able solut­ions 
Smart buildings

Create cutting-edge, healthy and future-orie­nted buildings and homes. Places that connect on an emot­i­onal level with people while reducing emiss­ions and running costs. Buildings that cele­b­rate the occup­ants and owners and guarantee satis­faction to their desi­gners. As part of our future energy landscape, together we'll make life cleaner and more enjo­yable for people.


Form and function 
Style and substance

No two arch­itect­ural designs are alike and the techn­o­logy behind them can be equally unique. That's why
many arch­itects rely on pion­e­e­ring solut­ions from Hager. For special demands, you have Hager Manufaktur - supp­lying handmade, individual design requests in countless mate­rials, colours and other cust­om­iz­at­ions, supp­lying
aest­h­etic finis­h­ings to any building or room.

Cons­ist­ency of design
Harmo­nies of colour

In the end, it's always the little things that make the diffe­rence. For example, our mult­iple, design award-winning switches and sockets have prevailed across the decades of arch­itect­ural trends and fash­ions. Another pleasing detail, the indoor stat­ions of our door commun­ic­ation systems can be harmo­n­i­o­usly matched in mate­rials and shapes to any of our switch ranges, compli­m­e­nting any arch­itect­ural concept.

Key partn­e­rs­hips
Success rarely happens alone

We work for you and with you. We’ve been collabo­rating with arch­itects for over 60 years, we unde­rstand your needs and can enhance your visions. Despite our leading role in the industry we’re still a family business. This means we're able to combine taking time to listen to you, backed by the weight of our design/production capa­bility. Let's set the scene for a fruitful and fulfil­ling relat­io­n­ship with exce­l­lent project outc­omes.


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"Together we create spaces that make living and working insp­i­ring, funct­i­onal and

Erwin van Hande­n­h­oven

Design director Hager group

Making it easier for you to do business

We are a leading provider of solut­ions and services
for elect­rical instal­lat­ions in resid­e­ntial, comme­rcial and industrial buildings. Working as true partners with our cust­o­mers, we often co-create solut­ions together. It should be easy for you to do business with us, which is why we’re always on hand to help you get the best out of your projects.

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.