Available courses | Hager UK

Available courses

Our range of bespoke designed training stations enable trainees to fully experience the hands on applications of each of our products. 

Electrical training academy

18th Edition Wiring Regulations
BS 7671:2018

City & Guilds Ac­cred­ited

This qual­i­fic­a­tion is in­ten­ded to en­sure that in­di­vidu­als are con­fid­ent with the format, con­tent and the ap­plic­a­tion of the Re­quire­ments for Elec­trical In­stall­a­tions BS 7671: 2018 (18th edi­tion). The course is fol­lowed by an on­line City & Guilds exam. Each par­ti­cipant will need to bring their own copy of BS 7671 18th Edi­tion Wir­ing Reg­u­la­tions.

To be eligible to take a 1-day course, the 17th Edition certification is required, otherwise individuals will have to register for the 3-day course.

18th Edition Wiring Regulations
BS 7671:2018

CPD Accredited

In this course we’ll cover some of the major differences between the 17th and 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, providing insightful information for Designers, Installers & Suppliers.

Topics included in this course are as follows; how to protect against electric shocks, Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDD’s), overload protection of devices and much more.

Duration : 1 hour

Price : free

Location : Hager academy, Telford or a venue to suit

More training options
CPD Accredited

Check out additional training courses we offer. 


Arc Fault Detection Devices

Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDD’s) are recommended in the 18th Edition of the Wiring Regulations and are now available for purchase in the UK.

In this this seminar we'll explain; what AFDD's are, how they work as well as how and where they should be installed. Finally we'll also cover the necessary testing procedures for AFDD's too.


Duration : 1 hour
Price : Free
Location : TBD

Building Schematic

Lighting, Metering and Building Regulations Part L2A

In this course, we'll cover the requirements of Part L2 2016 of the building regulations.

Also we'll cover Lighting & Control requirements and the requirements for energy monitoring through the use of energy meters.




Duration : 1 hour
Price : TBD
Location : TBD

Surge Protection

Surge Protection Devices

In this course we'll cover the BS 7671 and its inclusion of voltage surge protection. We'll also show you how to make informed decisions as to whether surge protection is necessary when specifying your own projects.


We'll also give guidance on which type of device to specify, where in the installation they should be and how to connect them.


Duration : 1 hour
Price : Free
Location : TBD