Circuit Protection | Hager UK

Circuit Protec­tion

Providing optimal choice and performance, our range of protection devices includes RCCBs, MCBs, RCBOs, Surge Protection and Arc Fault Detection Devices.

Mini­ature circuit breakers (MCB and MCB Multi­polar)

Hager's MCB Range provides options that is inclusive of Single Pole. Single Pole + Neut­ral, Two Pole, Three Pole and Four Pole versions.

Residual current circuit breakers (RCCB)

Hager's RCDs offer effective and easy-to-in­stall protec­tion against the dangers of residual currents.

Residual current circuit breakers with over­cur­rent protec­tion (RCBO)

Hager's combined residual current and mini­ature circuit breakers (FI/LS) offer the func­tion­ality of two devices in one.

Arc fault detec­tion devices (AFDD)

The name says it all: Hager arc fault protec­tion devices - more commonly known as fire protec­tion switches - detect arcing faults and switch off within milli­seconds in order to actively reduce poten­tial fire risks.

Surge Protec­tion Device (SPD)

Safe all round, thanks to the graded Hager over­voltage protec­tion devices.