Specifying for Electrical Installations | Hager UK

Specifying for Electrical Installations

With you all the way


Meet all your customers’ challenges by teaming up with a flexible and knowledgeable partner who is by your side at every stage of your project.


Helping you



We offer innovative, interoperable, easy-to-use, fully-compliant and proven solutions, perfect for your next project. They are future-compatible too, and can cope with changes in standards and technology. In this way we are helping drive sustainable growth in electrical engineering.


Being close to you is central to how we work.

Product Solutions

Quadro Evo

Tried and trusted throughout Europe, evolved specifically for the UK market. Quadro Evo, is your complete solution.


Driven solely with customer needs in mind, this very specific product development is aimed to offer an outstanding solution to the UK market.


The new generation of hager hw+ air circuit breakers and switch-disconnectors provide optimal protection against overloads, short circuits and earth faults in low voltage distribution.


Featuring a compact frame, available from 400 A to 4000 A with 3 or 4 poles and fixed or drawout versions, the hw+ provides high protection performance and a breaking capacity of up to 66 kA.


Feat­uring the compact frame sizes, avai­lable from 25 to 630 A with 3 or 4 poles, the h3+ provides supe­rior prot­ection and a brea­king capacity up to 110kA.


From the trad­it­i­onal version to the inte­l­li­gent conn­ected model: disc­over the multi-faceted range of h3+ circuit brea­kers.

Find us in London

The Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT

We are delighted to be able to share our new space in London with our customers and get hands on with our products, now available up to 4,000A with our latest product, the ACB.

PEP (Product Environmental Profile)

Locate your Hager PEP documents and download to see the environmental ID of our products based on the results of their Life Cycle Assessment.

Annual Sustainability Report now available

The 2023 Annual and Sustainability Reports has been published, showcasing the our advancements in digitalisation, sustainability and offer a transparent overview of progress and future objectives.


The Sustainability Report is in line with the rigorous GRI reporting standards.

"In the realm of sustainability, true progress lies in the art of steering our strategy towards a world where every action echoes with environmental stewardship and social responsibility"

Matthieu Alexandropoulos

Corporate Social Responsibility - Senior Director

Quick Links

Get access to the tools and information you need the most to use Hager on your next project.

Design Tools

To ensure ease of use, you can find our range of products available on a number of design tools including Trimble, ElectricOM and MEPWorx. We also have our own internal design tool, HagerCAD, offering maximum simplicity, speed, reliability and flexibility.

Policies and Certifications

To ensure safety while respecting the environment, we are committed to ethical and sustainable business practices, giving you open access to environmental documents about our products.

Sustainability in the UK

Find out about the latest initiatives in the UK to ensure we continue to strive to achieve our Sustainability targets.

Bespoke Electrical Solutions

Tailored solutions for your project's needs

At Hager, we provide solu­tions for our cus­tom­ers which meets the elec­trical re­quire­ments of your pro­ject, in a format which best suits the in­stall­a­tion.

These ad­di­tional ser­vices speed up the in­stall­a­tion on-site, re­duce stor­age re­quire­ments and re­duce the lost time spent search­ing for the cor­rect com­pon­ents to con­struct a board.