Shedding light on sustainable lighting upgrades at Telford

Hager has made continuous efforts to reduce its impact on the environment. One such effort has seen the company improve the lighting, both indoors and outdoors, around the Telford-based site.


As global concern for environmental impact continues to increase, more and more businesses are making significant efforts to become more sustainable. One of Hager's initiatives is the improvement of its lighting systems both indoors and around the site in Shropshire, which has not only reduced energy consumption but also enhanced the overall site.

In a bid to have a more positive impact on the environment, Hager has replace all of its indoor lighting, transitioning from more traditional lighting to LED. Renowned for its energy efficiency, longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs compared to traditional lighting, the change to LED will see the site use significantly less energy, reducing Hager's carbon footprint and while also extending the lifespan of the lighting system.

The conversion to LED lighting has also extended to the on-site factory, with significant changes made to improve the high bay lighting throughout. Running for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the factory is the biggest contributing factor to Hager’s consumption of energy on-site. Replacing the traditional system and introducing LED lighting throughout the factory will see Hager dramatically reduce its energy consumption. 

With Hager's commitment to reduce its carbon footprint, plans to upgrade all outdoor lighting at the Telford site to LED are also underway. With operations running throughout the night, to ensure the safety of workers, the site must remain well-lit, but this comes at a cost of significant energy consumption. By replacing the traditional lighting system with LED across the site, Hager expects to significantly reduce energy usage, with the transition estimated to improve lighting efficiency by an impressive 95-97%.

In addition, motion detectors have also been installed in the upgrade of the lighting system, in a bid to further reduce the company’s energy consumption. Designed to detect the presence of a person in a given area, turning the lights on when someone enters and off when they leave, ensures that lighting is only used when required, preventing the system from being left on unnecessarily. Whilst the implementation of presence detectors will contribute in saving energy, there are additional safety and security benefits to installing such a system.

Further energy-saving  benefits include features such as auto-dim that will automatically reduce the brightness of lights when sufficient natural light is available in an area, while the LUX feature measures the amount of light in a specific area and determines if there is enough natural light, turning off the lighting system if necessary. Both features are designed to optimise energy consumption while maintaining the desired light levels around the site, contributing further to Hager's sustainability efforts.


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