Non-compliance of unive­rsal socket outlets

This article will explore the pote­ntial dangers assoc­i­ated with unive­rsal socket-outlets and provide guid­ance on how to mini­mize the risks.

Graphic illustration showing electrical hazards in residential and commercial buildings, such as fires and electrical shocks, with Hager logo

Unive­rsal Socket-Outlets: A Serious Risk of Electric Shock and Fire

Unive­rsal socket outlets have gained popu­larity in the world as they provide a conve­n­ient solution for accom­modating a variety of plug types from diffe­rent countries. However, it is esse­ntial to note that the use of these socket outlets poses a serious risk of electric shock and fire.


Hager has made the decision to follow the regu­lation establ­ished by the BEAMA bull­etin and thus, remove its inte­rn­at­ional sockets from markets.

This decision has been made in the inte­rest of ensuring the safety of users and mini­m­izing the assoc­i­ated risks. It is impo­rtant for spec­ifiers, instal­lers, and distrib­utors of elect­rical products to be aware of the pote­ntial dangers assoc­i­ated with unive­rsal socket outlets and to take appro­priate measures to ensure the safety of users.

The techn­ical bull­etin below will explore the risks assoc­i­ated with unive­rsal socket outlets and provide guid­ance on how to avoid these hazards.



Down­load the official techn­ical bull­etin 

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