
Our spec­i­a­l­ists address and discuss learning topics that are prom­inent in today’s industry. Watch our replays at your ease in case of a busy schedule.


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Surges cause many mill­ions in damages every year. Why is surge prot­ection a must have for safe elect­rical instal­lat­ions? Join us to know more.
Learn how Arc fault prot­ection devices (AFDD) use micro­p­roc­e­s­sors to identify characte­ristic current flow and voltage curves that indicate an arc fault and autom­at­ic­ally trip the affected circuit.
30 years ago, new techn­o­logies started shaping the Building Autom­ation industry. Over the years, this has deve­l­oped into what we now know as KNX, the world­wide standard of home and building control. Let us discuss the most recent inno­vat­ions.


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Wonde­ring what is AFDD? What are the types of arc faults and how electric arc would appear? Our AFDD spec­i­a­l­ists answer all the quest­ions you may have!

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Learn more about the bene­fits of real time Energy monito­ring for better energy effic­i­ency in your buildings!



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Covid-19 had a massive impact on the Real Estate industry. Join our panel disc­us­sion with leaders from the MENA Region for an overview on the business cons­e­que­nces and trends for the future.

Join our panel disc­us­sion about grid flex­i­bility situation today in the MENA region and learn how current inno­vat­ions may impact the future elect­rical grid.

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Learn more about KNX and IoT in smart home: the bene­fits of inte­g­rating both for optimal user expe­ri­ence and higher energy savings.

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Energy storage will be a key for the future energy system: learn more about applic­at­ions in resid­e­ntial and comme­rcial building.

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Measure and commun­icate effic­i­e­ntly to opti­mize your energy consumption.

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Disc­over unique design wiring acce­s­s­ories with Manufaktur custom-made range.

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Disc­over new arc fault detection techn­o­logy and learn how to miti­gate elect­rical fire risks.

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