Commercial SPD Board

To support the market, we have developed a ‘ready-to-go’ solution to drive best practice installations thanks to our new integrated commercial surge protection boards.
Hager Commercial Surge Protection

New Ready-To-Go Com­mer­cial SPD Board

There is now an in­creased fo­cus on equip­ment pro­tec­tion against surge tran­si­ent voltages. In com­mer­cial in­stall­a­tions, reg­u­la­tions are much clearer about why and where a surge pro­tec­tion device (SPD) should be fit­ted, and state that it is the re­spons­ib­il­ity of the elec­trical de­signer to en­sure the in­stall­a­tion is com­pli­ant.  

To sup­port the mar­ket, we have de­veloped a ‘ready-to-go’ solu­tion to drive best prac­tice in­stall­a­tions thanks to the com­pany’s new in­teg­rated com­mer­cial surge pro­tec­tion boards. It guar­an­tees the best surge pro­tec­tion per­form­ance and helps to speed up in­stall­a­tion on site.

What are the benefits of integrating surge protection device kits within the distribution panelboard? 

Our com­mer­cial surge pro­tec­tion boards have been en­hanced so that all surge pro­tec­tion kits can now fit within the dis­tri­bu­tion board - as op­posed to be­ing in a sep­ar­ate en­clos­ure. This in­nov­at­ive solu­tion provides the shortest con­nec­tions to the surge pro­tec­tion device from the in­com­ing sup­ply. The solu­tion is guar­an­teed to provide op­timum surge pro­tec­tion per­form­ance and will help elec­trical con­tract­ors re­duce in­stall­a­tion times, sat­isfy com­pli­ance re­spons­ib­il­it­ies, and re­move the need to buy and in­stall sep­ar­ate pro­tec­tion devices.

Are the Hager surge protection kits CT2 type arrangements?

Yes, our surge pro­tec­tion kits are in­cluded in com­mer­cial SPD boards are CT2 type ar­range­ments. Our pro­tec­tion devices are ap­plic­able for all com­mon UK earth­ing ar­range­ments such as TN-C-S (PME), TN-S and TT earth­ing sys­tems and re­move the risk of in­cor­rect se­lec­tion. We have also in­tro­duced solid cop­per earth links in all com­mer­cial surge boards, achiev­ing a best in class Up ef­fect­ive per­form­ance meas­ured at the main bus­bars of the dis­tri­bu­tion board.

Do I need a secondary upstream protection device?

No. In the past, surge pro­tec­tion devices re­quired an MCB/MCCB or fuses in the dis­tri­bu­tion board to provide backup pro­tec­tion us­ing one of the out­go­ing ways in the dis­tri­bu­tion board.  Our com­mer­cial board re­moves this re­quire­ment. For ex­ample, a four-way board re­tains the abil­ity to be used for four TP ways rather than only three due to the SPD re­quir­ing one ded­ic­ated way. Re­mov­ing the re­quire­ment for a sec­ond­ary up­stream device sim­pli­fies and speeds up in­stall­a­tion times­cales, mean­ing jobs can be com­pleted more quickly.

What about surge protection kits for TPN boards? Our Type 1 SPDs have been ex­tens­ively tested to en­sure they work in con­junc­tion with a Type 2 SPD in a down­stream TPN board. With the IET Wir­ing Reg­u­la­tions ad­vising that where mul­tiple SPDs are in­stalled, they should be co­ordin­ated to guar­an­tee they work to­gether; we have gone fur­ther with veri­fied test­ing to en­sure un­ri­valled per­form­ance.