Time Saving Consumer Units

Created to provide an ideal solution for our customers, our Design Range of Consumer units offers a quick and easy installation. 

Design range consumer units

Save Time On-Site with our Design Range of Con­sumer Units

Our Design range of con­sumer units was de­ve­loped to provide solu­tions to our cus­tom­er’s needs. This know­ledge is a res­ult of con­stant cus­tomer com­mu­nic­a­tion. Speed of in­stall­a­tion, ease of use and re­li­ab­il­ity are of the highest sig­ni­fic­ance when mak­ing your choice of dis­tri­bu­tion board.

The Design Range con­sumer units are quick and easy to fit. Avail­able in sur­face, dual row and flush op­tions, there is a dis­tri­bu­tion board for every in­stall­a­tion. 

Extensive Range
Design 10 is our board for all ap­plic­a­tions.  As with all mod­els in our Con­sumer Unit range, there is ample cable space avail­able even when RCBO’s are fit­ted. The top-moun­ted ter­minal rail makes the wir­ing of the neut­ral and earth con­nec­tions neat and simple.  Mul­tiple fix­ing points are avail­able, and a full metal DIN rail en­sures that the devices sit square.  Design 10 is avail­able for sur­face and flush ap­plic­a­tions.

Design 30 is our en­hanced con­sumer unit, cre­ated to be more aes­thet­ic­ally pleas­ing while in­clud­ing some ex­tra fea­tures to fur­ther ease in­stall­a­tion.  Design 30 comes with a meter tail clamp in­stalled and a rear cable entry plate sup­plied, which al­lows for in­com­ing meter tails to be safely se­cured elim­in­at­ing stresses within the switch ter­minal.

Design 50 fo­cuses on clean aes­thet­ics and a flush fit for seam­less in­teg­ra­tion into any home.  Not only aes­thet­ic­ally pleas­ing, but they are also pop­u­lar with pro­fes­sional elec­tri­cians. “They’re easy to fit and look great. I would use them every­where if I had the chance,” the Elec­trical Su­per­vi­sor at Wil­liam Davis Homes said after choos­ing the Design 50 Con­sumer Unit for in­stall­a­tion in 700 new homes.

Knockouts are king
We have uniquely pi­on­eered the use of square knock­outs. Square knock­outs are po­si­tioned on the top and bot­tom of the en­clos­ures to al­low for mul­tiple cable entry op­tions.  

Cable pro­tector plates, de­signed spe­cific­ally to suit our square knock­outs, clip simply and eas­ily into place and en­sure that the cables enter the con­sumer unit without dam­age from the sharp edges cre­ated by the re­moval of knock­outs. A range of 4 op­tions is avail­able to ac­com­mod­ate cable entry and the use of mini-trunk­ing. Save time wasted try­ing to fit tricky grom­met strips!

For in­stall­a­tions re­quir­ing rear cable entry, we can provide the VM02CE cable pro­tector plate which is de­signed to fit into the aper­ture left by the re­moval of the rear knock­out.  Simply break away sec­tions as re­quired and push in to place.

Aes­thet­ics may be im­port­ant, but if ap­pear­ance is given too much pri­or­ity over func­tion­al­ity, elec­trical con­tract­ors will struggle to com­plete in­stall­a­tions quickly. All our con­sumer units of­fer mul­tiple knock­outs op­tions, in­clud­ing Round Knock­outs (RK op­tion) for SWA ap­plic­a­tions, and en­sure the ini­tial good looks of the board are main­tained throughout its in­stall­a­tion and end-use.

Small details, big-time savings
Even tiny de­tails can cre­ate time sav­ings dur­ing elec­trical in­stall­a­tion pro­jects. 

The Design 30 unit comes with a ‘loc­ate and hold’ door for in­stance. Util­ising the small ‘key’ found in the rear cable pro­tector plate the ac­cess door can be held in the open po­s­i­tion. This al­lows pro­fes­sional elec­tri­cians to use both hands to la­bel the cir­cuits. 

This ba­sic design en­hance­ment may only shave a few minutes off the total time re­quired for in­stall­a­tion, but over the course of ma­jor elec­trical in­stall­a­tion work, those minutes add up. And the job is a lot less frus­trat­ing for the in­staller who does not have to worry about hold­ing the door open as they work.

Basic design enhancements help to reduce costs
Our elec­trical equip­ment solu­tions com­bine in­nov­a­tion with aes­thet­ics, de­liv­er­ing products that are pleas­ing to homeown­ers and elec­trical con­tract­ors. Each con­sumer unit has been de­signed to make the pro­cess of in­stall­a­tion as quick and simple as pos­sible, help­ing in­stallers com­plete pro­jects quickly.

The sav­ings may be mod­est, but tiny de­tails like the choice of con­sumer dis­tri­bu­tion boards will have an ef­fect on pro­ject com­ple­tion times and over­all prof­it­ab­il­ity. 


Consumer Unit Product Range

Design Range solutions

Discover how our selection of Design Range consumer units can provide the perfect solution for your next project. 

hager consumer unit

Design 10

As with all models in the range, there is ample cable space available even when RCBOs are fitted. The top mounted terminal rail makes the wiring of the neutral and earth connections neat and simple.

hager consumer unit

Design 30

Design 30 is our enhanced consumer unit, created to be more aesthetically pleasing whilst including extra features to ease installation.

hager consumer unit

Design 50

Design 50 focuses on clean aesthetics and a flush fit for seamless integration into any home. Design 50 comes with all the installation features you would expect from us, such as an incoming cable clamp, cable protector plate, and more.