
With you all the way 

Meet all your cust­o­mers’ chal­le­nges by teaming up with a flex­ible and knowl­ed­ge­able partner who is by your side at every stage of your project.


Helping you

We offer inno­vative, inte­ro­pe­rable, easy-to-use, fully-compliant and proven solut­ions for room autom­ation, energy infrastructure, energy manag­ement, building control and smart digital services. They are future-comp­atible too, so can cope with changes in standards and techn­o­logy. In this way we are helping drive sustain­able growth in elect­rical engin­e­e­ring. 

Being close to you is central to how we work. Your dedic­ated Hager contact person unde­rstands your needs, works on-site, offers rele­vant products, solut­ions, skills and practical assistance, and links you with our techn­ical experts when­ever nece­s­sary.

We share our expe­rtise with you thro­ug­hout your projects, from plan­ning through impl­eme­ntation to comp­l­etion. You can expand your capa­bi­l­ities and grow your business with the help of our trai­ning, advice, apps, software and other tools. We even simplify and acce­l­e­rate the creation of tenders through best-in-class tools and data. In other words: we’re with you every step of the way.


Take a look at our 
tools desi­gned 
for you.

Close-up of a professional's tool belt with electrical tools and a smartphone with an electrical distribution product page on the screen

eCat app

We’re always looking for ways to help support you on the job. That’s why we’ve desi­gned the new Hager ecat app so you can access everyt­hing you need at the touch of a button.


Take the low-voltage distrib­ution plan­ning to the next level.

Hager employees discussing over a tablet in front of electrical installation equipment


We fully apprec­iate how impo­rtant it is for you to comply with all rele­vant norms. That’s why we help you at every step of the way.



We’ll support you thro­ug­hout your learning journey so you can grow your business.

Making it easier for you to do business

We are a leading provider of solut­ions and services for elect­rical instal­lat­ions in resid­e­ntial, comme­rcial and industrial buildings. Working as true partners with our cust­o­mers, we often co-create solut­ions together. It should be easy for you to do business with us, which is why we’re always on hand to help you get the best out of your projects.

“We’ll help you create spaces for living and working that are insp­i­rat­ional, funct­i­onal and comfo­rtable for those who use them.”

Key features



Our exte­n­sive learning prog­ramme will help you reach your object­ives. We offer skills deve­l­o­pment and other practical advice on an ongoing basis, so your business can continue to grow.



Expand your knowl­edge, find insp­i­ration and learn from the expe­ri­e­nces of people in the field through our news section.



We’ve got plenty of free resources to help you. You can down­load cata­lo­gues and techn­ical guides to give you the on-hand support and info­rmation you need – wherever you are.


Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solut­ions, support and partn­e­rship.