Unde­rfloor boxes

Open floor box with electrical outlets and RJ45 sockets ready for connectivity installation, Hager branding visible

Invis­ible cable routing and room conn­ection systems

Floor systems offer you great funct­i­o­n­a­lity, allo­wing an opti­m­ized building supply as well as a direct access from the floor to elect­rical power, data and telec­om­mun­ic­at­ions. The system is extremely durable without adding unnec­e­s­sary costs to your construction budget. A techn­ical chal­lenge finally becomes an aest­h­et­ic­ally pleasing and satis­fying result.

Modular design

Rectan­gular, square or round, the system can be fully cust­om­ized. Each unit can be equi­pped with 6 to 12 outlets. Alon­gside the standard system, we also offer cust­om­ised project solut­ions for special requirements.

Robust mate­rials

Made out of stai­n­less steel or polyamide, the system ensures a perfect prot­ection against corrosion and resists harsh user cond­it­ions (heavy loads, high traffic areas, dust and dirt, etc.). Safety is guaranteed even in wet rooms.

Disc­rete finish

The solution invis­ibly adapts to any floor, supp­lies all places with energy and data and only appears where it is needed. Perfectly inte­g­rated in the room, it is nearly visible after mounting whilst deli­ve­ring high perfo­rmance every day.

Easy refe­rence selection

Thanks to the order number system, it's easy to find the right solution that fits inside your system. Simply select the data or power outlets to be inse­rted from amongst our wide range of options.

Any type of floor

There is a solution for every type of floor: floor-mounted systems, screed-covered systems, systems that fit flush with the surface of the screed, systems for double floors, systems for cavity floors, dry-cleaned or wet-cleaned floors, with heavy loads or not.

Smart KNX inte­g­ration

KNX actuators for lighting, heating and blind control are installed directly in the unde­rfloor boxes and reduce cable requirements of the overall instal­lation, there­fore the risk of pote­ntial cable fires. 

Conn­ecting up for business

Thanks to their modular design, unde­rfloor systems can be arranged flex­ibly. They are perfect for offices, comme­rcial buildings or public spaces. Power supply, data equi­pment sockets with audio and video can be combined in the same device casing. Most freque­ntly, the screed-covered system allows quick and easy instal­lation and can be combined with all types of screed: bonded, floating or self-leve­l­ling screed and, after appro­priate prep­a­ration, with poured asphalt or hot screed. 

We are here for you, with you. 

Get in touch with our experts now!