Cable management | Hager Africa

Cable manage­ment

Our range of products for cable management, with its innovative features, sets a new standard for electrical wiring, in terms of safety, economy and flexibility.

Resid­en­tial trunking

Skirt­ings and plinths for all sizes with flex­ible inner and outer corners.

Cable distri­bu­tion trunking

tehalit.lifea trunking ranges are suit­able with all kind of conductor controls and cables in housing and tertiary premises thanks to their several types of profiles.

Install­a­tion trunking

PVC or aluminium, small or large, compat­ible with all the sockets 45 x 45. The ideal solu­tion for the elec­tric install­a­tion in profes­sional premises and tertiary build­ings.

Office trunking

Provi­sions of energy and data where they are required.

Enclosure trunking

Solu­tion for enclos­ures

Specific trunking solu­tions

Meet the most demanding specific­a­tions with tehalit.camelea.