Wiring accessories and Building automation | Hager Africa

Wiring accessories and Building auto­ma­tion

Excellent technical performance and functionality – as well as endless design possibilities – in switches, timers, sockets and a whole lot more. Everything you need to make homes and buildings smarter so they can offer greater convenience, energy efficiency and safety to those who live there.

British Stand­ards wiring accessories

Design switches and sockets for your resid­en­tial and commer­cial projects, compliant with BS Stand­ards.

European Stand­ards wiring accessories

Design switches and sockets for your resid­en­tial and commer­cial projects, compliant with European Stand­ards.

Building auto­ma­tion

KNX and building auto­ma­tion solu­tions to increase comfort and save energy in your resid­en­tial and commer­cial build­ings

Commu­nic­a­tion boards

Clean and neat enclos­ures for your media applic­a­tions.