A Solution Tailored For You

Steve York our project support manager, outlines how our Tailored Solutions team can collaborate on electrical projects which require bespoke solutions.  

Bespoke Electrical Solution

Our Tailored Solu­tions Team

Steve York our Pro­ject Sup­port Man­ager, out­lines how our Tailored Solu­tions team can col­lab­or­ate on elec­trical pro­jects which re­quire be­spoke solu­tions.  From design and en­gin­eer­ing to test­ing and de­liv­ery, the vari­ety of ser­vices un­der­taken by the Tailored Solu­tions team can make a big dif­fer­ence when deal­ing with com­plex and non-stand­ard pro­ject de­mands.

What are Tailored Solu­tions?
Con­tract­ors and elec­trical pro­ject teams may have be­spoke re­quire­ments that can fall out­side of a stand­ard solu­tion. They could range from pre-as­sembled devices through to the need for a cus­tom­ised en­gin­eer­ing re­sponse as part of a com­plex pro­ject. Some of the pop­u­lar ex­amples in­clude pre-pop­u­lated con­sumer units, pre-fit­ted AF­DDs, pre-fit­ted surge pro­tec­tion, panel board link­ing and switch fuses.

To de­liver a per­fectly en­gin­eered res­ol­u­tion, we have a ded­ic­ated Tailored Solu­tions team that can sup­port cus­tom­ers and col­lab­or­ate with them on their spe­cific pro­ject re­quire­ments. Man­aging the pro­cess through from con­cep­tion to com­ple­tion in line with cus­tomer need.


What are the stages of work­ing with the Tailored Solu­tions team?

 Our Tailored Solu­tions team fol­lows a step-by-step pro­cess to en­sure that at all stages the cli­ent re­mains fully in­formed and part of the pro­ject. Start­ing with ini­tial feas­ib­il­ity dis­cus­sions to as­sess the pro­ject need, the team then pro­gress to the de­liv­ery of design and en­gin­eer­ing pro­pos­als spe­cific­ally tailored to the pro­ject in hand. 


Once the solu­tion has been given the go-ahead, man­u­fac­ture and ex­tens­ive test­ing at our UK-based fa­cil­ity and labor­at­ory com­mences to en­sure that the be­spoke solu­tion meets rig­or­ous per­form­ance and in­dustry stand­ards.  This is fol­lowed by de­liv­ery to the se­lec­ted loc­a­tion to meet pro­ject times­cales.


What are the practical benefits I would get from Tailored Solutions?

With the pos­sib­il­ity that items can go miss­ing on-site or when be­ing stored, or to help speed up in­stall­a­tion times­cales, Tailored Solu­tions of­fers tan­gible prac­tical sup­port. This in­cludes pre-fit­ting stand­ard com­pon­ents and sub-as­sem­blies to re­duce the po­ten­tial for com­pon­ent loss.  For solu­tions where sev­eral stand­ard com­pon­ents are re­quired to work to­gether, a full solu­tion is de­livered to site ready to be fixed to the wall and have cables con­nec­ted. 


What happens if I am not ready to take delivery of the entire order?

Flex­ib­il­ity is built into the Tailored Solu­tions lo­gist­ics ser­vice.  Full or­der de­liv­ery to an agreed date can be made, but if pro­ject teams re­quire part or­der de­liv­ery to site over a period of time, we are able to tailor the de­liv­ery sched­ule to suit the pro­ject’s need.  This in­cludes the abil­ity to work with spe­cific de­liv­ery time slots and ac­cess re­stric­tions which can be in place.

Tailored Solutions in action

Any small com­mer­cial pro­ject such as stu­dent ac­com­mod­a­tion, ho­tels, and house in mul­tiple oc­cu­pa­tion (HMO) are ideally placed to be­ne­fit from the Tailored Solu­tions team.

As an ex­ample, our re­cently launched arc fault de­tec­tion device (AFDD) hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion board was spe­cified on a 210-bed­room stu­dent ac­com­mod­a­tion pro­ject near War­wick Uni­versity.

With on­go­ing safety of oc­cu­pants a primary con­cern for the ac­com­mod­a­tion de­velopers, the Tailored Solu­tions team worked with the pro­ject’s con­tract­ors to sup­ply 28 of our AFDD hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion boards.


Com­ply­ing with BS EN 62606, the AFDD hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion boards, when com­bined with our dis­tri­bu­tion sys­tems, provides a hy­brid solu­tion which has been rig­or­ously tested and val­id­ated to of­fer op­timum pro­tec­tion against the harm­ful ef­fects of dan­ger­ous elec­tric arcs.


The boards were de­livered to site pre-con­figured as re­quired, mean­ing the on-site con­tractor team had the straight­for­ward task of simple con­nec­tion which saved time and stor­age.

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