White Pa­per
Off­s­ite Con­struc­tion & Mod­u­lar Build

Come to­gether to build bet­ter out­comes.


Is off­s­ite con­struc­tion the an­swer for Bri­tain's pres­sur­ised house build­ing sector?


Down­load our white pa­per to find out more.

White Paper

The future of offsite construction


We've re­leased a new white pa­per look­ing at the im­port­ant role off­s­ite con­struc­tion can play in meet­ing the on­go­ing de­mand for new hous­ing in the UK.


With the gov­ern­ment com­mit­ting to build­ing 300,000 new homes each year by the middle of this dec­ade, there are already signs that meet­ing such a tar­get will be a chal­lenge. As the pres­sure con­tin­ues to in­tensify, the spot­light is fo­cus­sing on al­tern­at­ive meth­ods to im­prove ef­fi­cien­cies and pro­ductiv­ity in the con­struc­tion pro­cess and speed-up com­ple­tion of much needed new homes to meet this de­mand.


A grow­ing area of in­terest is the con­tri­bu­tion off­s­ite con­struc­tion of hous­ing stock can make, with ex­perts say­ing it can play a key role, help­ing to ease the pres­sure on tra­di­tional build­ing meth­ods.

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