Your tech­nical ques­tions answered

Our support team includes expe­ri­enced installers and tech­ni­cians who can offer local advice and exper­tise.

And even if they can’t answer your ques­tion, they’ll find someone who does to get you the solu­tion.

KNX automation

KNX automa­tion

Get answers to your ques­tions about KNX building automa­tion, Coviva, the IoT controller and smoke detec­tors.


Automa­tion FAQs

Cable management

Cable manage­ment

Find out more about wall gutters and switch-in equip­ment.


Cable Manage­ment FAQs

Cable Management

Cable Manage­ment

General ques­tions about our company, delivery condi­tions and our part­ners.

General FAQs



Ques­tions about apps and soft­ware, including hagercad design program.

Soft­ware FAQs

Energy Distribution

Energy Distri­b­u­tion

Ques­tions about distrib­u­tors and compo­nents for switching and securing.

Energy distri­b­u­tion FAQs

Local content

Switching Mate­rial

Ques­tions about berker-design switching mate­rial and compo­nents.

Switching mate­rial FAQs