The Hobo Hotel Stock­holm

Boutique Hotel style in the heart of the Old Town

Award-winning inte­rior designers, Studio Aisslinger from Berlin, created a unique envi­ron­ment for this charming boutique hotel in Stock­holm. With 201 rooms, modern design and func­tion­ality come together in style at the Hobo. Design knobs from the classic Berker R-series add elegance and high quality to provide small details with a big impact.

A stylish touch in a natural setting

Award-winning and Berlin-based designer Werner Aisslinger has created an envi­ron­ment at the Hobo to give visi­tors a real taste of urban travel adven­ture. Genuine mate­rials, nature and commu­nity combine to form an ambiance conducive to good vibes and conver­sa­tions. 

Project details


Loca­tion: Vigg­by­holm, Stock­holm
Year of construc­tion: 2017
Number of rooms: 201
Inte­rior designer: Werner Aisslinger, Studio Aisslinger, Berlin.
Constructor: AMB Fastigheter AB
General contractor: NCC Building AB
Elec­trical planner: AF infra­struc­ture AB
Elec­trical installer: Sallens Elec­tric AB


Built-in Hager Solu­tions:

Berker R-series

A detailed look at the
high­lighted prod­ucts installed

Berker R.Classic socket

Berker R.Classic switch

Tailored solu­tions For you, with you

At Hager, we provide solu­tions for our customers which meet the elec­trical require­ments of your project. And in a format which best suits your instal­la­tion. Always by your side - For you, with you.

Want to see more?
Discover our other outstanding refer­ences

Villa West­ling, Stock­holm

One of the most exciting resi­den­tial projects in recent times, the Villa West­ling in Stock­holm is a testi­mony to Hager flex­i­bility and customer-centricity. While working with a world-leading archi­tect who asked for almost 100% customised solu­tions, a great part­ner­ship was formed. From berker Q.3 to KNX and witty chargers, this house is superbly equipped to serve as an excel­lent refer­ence for sustain­able, stylish and smart homes.

Radisson Blu Hotel, Reussen (Ander­matt)

Spec­tac­u­larly located high in the Swiss Alps, the Radisson Blu Reussen is a veri­table show­case for a host of Hager prod­ucts and solu­tions. Once again with func­tion­ality and design coming to the fore. With space for 255 guests and corpo­rate facil­i­ties on offer too, this is a singu­larly excel­lent refer­ence project.




Sorli Emocions Hotel, Maresme (Barcelona)

The Sorli Emocions Hotel caters for fami­lies on holiday, busi­ness meeting and weekend getaways, all styled into one superb desti­na­tion. Finished with pres­tige Hager solu­tions, this 4 star also meets advanced sustain­ability stan­dards.





Learn more about Hager

Providing the solu­tions you require with the support you deserve!