
You want to deliver office solu­tions that meet the highest stan­dards, in terms of flex­i­bility,

connec­tivity, comfort and perfor­mance. We’re the ideal partner to help you achieve that.


A single port of call
for all your needs

Thanks to the flex­ible elec­trical infra­struc­ture we help you create, office build­ings can be more effi­cient, sustain­able, intel­li­gent and networked. They also become an envi­ron­ment in which employees feel comfort­able - today and in the future. 

We can be a single port of call for every­thing you need to make this a reality, from the main distri­b­u­tion board all the way to the sockets. 

Our entire range for offices meets all safety require­ments, offers great flex­i­bility over the entire life cycle, helps minimise envi­ron­mental impact, and enables the inte­gra­tion of renew­able ener­gies at lower cost. It is also char­ac­terised by care­fully-consid­ered design and construc­tion details - including many unique frames and covers.

And, in the event that things don’t go exactly as planned, you can always rely on our backup, wher­ever and when­ever you need it. We have over 60 years’ expe­ri­ence in helping customers expand their capa­bil­i­ties and work more effec­tively.

Designed for offices
of all shapes and sizes

Offer your office customers many bene­fits by choosing from our exten­sive range of inno­v­a­tive solu­tions.

  • Attrac­tive mate­rials, time­less design and outstanding user-friend­li­ness.
  • Ideal for the modular working spaces of today.
  • High-quality prod­ucts for room solu­tions, energy distri­b­u­tion, energy manage­ment and cable manage­ment.
  • One single partner for your entire project, including compre­hen­sive support.
  1. Energy Distri­b­u­tion

    Choose from an exten­sive range of prod­ucts, devel­oped with the multiple objec­tives of high-level energy perfor­mance, ease of instal­la­tion and straight­for­ward system expan­sion in the future. While, of course, always meeting inter­na­tional design veri­fi­ca­tion stan­dards and blending into the existing aesthetics of the building.

    Our offer covers every­thing from switchgear, protec­tion and enclo­sures to single- or double-point charging stations for elec­tric vehi­cles, so that office workers can conve­niently recharge when in the building. 
  2. Energy manage­ment

    Enable your customers to manage energy effi­ciency, in complete compli­ance with industry stan­dards, without compro­mising on the quality of service or the safety of the prop­erty and those who are occu­pying it.

    Our agardio.manager creates excel­lent trans­parency of both energy consump­tion and gener­a­tion to help build­ings become more effi­cient and sustain­able, 24/7. It constantly moni­tors the energy network and all rele­vant para­me­ters, prevents system fail­ures, and is flex­ible enough to allow the inte­gra­tion of a wide range of equip­ment.
  3. Cable manage­ment

    Provide your customers with energy and data exactly where it's needed, throughout the entire lifespan of the building. 

    To make this possible, we offer trunking for floors, walls and ceil­ings that is quick to install and easy to access for upgrades or modi­fi­ca­tions. Discrete pop-ups for both high- and low-voltage connec­tions. Posts that provide access to power from suspended ceil­ings. Plus multi-outlet modules, floor boxes – and plenty more. 

    And if you need made-to-measure solu­tions, for example because of on-site restric­tions, don’t worry. We cater for indi­vidual requests – ranging from special colours to length, and from prewired prod­ucts and mate­rial to kitting – while ensuring inte­gra­tion into trunking.
    cable mgt
  4. Room solu­tions

    Set high stan­dards with our room and building manage­ment solu­tions for offices. For example, our pres­ence detec­tors switch off lights when no one is around, and do the same when there is suffi­cient daylight. Rollers, shut­ters and blinds can be opened and closed auto­mat­i­cally. In addi­tion, our switches, sockets and sensors combine sophis­ti­cated tech­nology with a unique design.

    All in all, we help you create an envi­ron­ment in which office workers expe­ri­ence optimum comfort, conve­nience and safety - while opti­mising space allo­ca­tion and keeping costs down.


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Modular Protec­tion Devices

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Wiring Acces­sories

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your busi­ness grow with our solu­tions, support and part­ner­ship. 


Teaming up with Hager creates value for your busi­ness in multiple ways:

comprehensive choice

Compre­hen­sive choice

You can find every­thing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solu­tion: an extra­or­di­narily broad range of prod­ucts, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­la­tion

You can count on straight­for­ward, rapid instal­la­tion of our prod­ucts, thanks to our thoughtful approach to design and construc­tion. Even in situ­a­tions where the require­ments are excep­tion­ally chal­lenging.

Future proofing

Future proofing

Offer your customers solu­tions that are built to last. We make sure our prod­ucts are flex­ible, adapt­able and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomorrow as well as those of today.



Work with confi­dence and reas­sur­ance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can precisely match – or exceed – your customers’ expec­ta­tions, every time.



We’ll support you throughout your learning journey so you can grow your busi­ness.

our solu­tions



multi flat




single house
