
Excel­lent tech­nical perfor­mance and func­tion­ality – as well as virtu­ally endless design possi­bil­i­ties – for switches, timers, sockets and a whole lot more.

Value Proposition

The finishing touches and atten­tion to detail are what make a job complete. Simple or tailor­made, our vast choice of acces­sories - switches, sockets and timers more than meet the demands of any project, resi­den­tial or commer­cial. Our wiring solu­tions are also conceived for exte­riors such as gardens, garages and luxury terraces, including durable water­proof versions for weather-exposed areas. From mini­mal­istic modern to retro design, all tastes are more than catered for, comprising enhanced high-value features for inte­riors that are also simple to install. Natu­rally, all budget solu­tions are exten­sively covered to suit any require­ment, as are connected wiring acces­sories for smart home conver­sions and new construc­tion plans.

With different colours and finishes to choose from, there are more than 100 aesthetic possi­bil­i­ties to blend with resi­den­tial and commer­cial inte­rior designs. Again, ranges include multiple award-winning, high-end design lines such as the 1930, R classic, TS, plus high-end KNX offer (BIQ, TS Sensor).


Local content


When a stan­dard becomes well-known, Hager still walks on the highest point of the stan­dard and uses one of the best mate­rials in the world Bayer PC, envi­ron­ment friendly, anti-flaming, and strong texture.

Local content


With fine craft, designed precisely, only for the purpose of providing abun­dant wiring space and conve­nient instal­la­tion means.

Local content


The ultra-slim, frame­less design allows the switch to be inte­grated into the wall; the simple and large panel makes the contact easy, and each touch creates the most pleasant moment.

Local content

berker solu­tions

With more than 100 aesthetic possi­bil­i­ties, from mini­mal­istic modern to retro design, all tastes are more than catered for.

How-to videos

Looking for a few tips and tricks? Why not check out our How-to video selec­tion, we've got a wide range of tuto­rial videos to help you perfect your skills or find that little detail you were looking for.

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Your bene­fits

Teaming up with Hager creates value for your busi­ness in multiple ways:

comprehensive choice

Compre­hen­sive choice

You can find every­thing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solu­tion: an extra­or­di­narily broad range of prod­ucts, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­la­tion

You can count on straight­for­ward, rapid instal­la­tion of our prod­ucts, thanks to our thoughtful approach to design and construc­tion. Even in situ­a­tions where the require­ments are excep­tion­ally chal­lenging.

Future proofing

Future proofing

Offer your customers solu­tions that are built to last. We make sure our prod­ucts are flex­ible, adapt­able and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomorrow as well as those of today.



Work with confi­dence and reas­sur­ance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can precisely match – or exceed – your customers’ expec­ta­tions, every time.

Project refer­ences

References 1

Hotel Radisson Blue Ander­matt. The highest demand are more than met in this luxury elevated loca­tion with deluxe and feel­good solu­tions from Hager.

References 2

Looking to the future, the Croix du Palais in Bordeaux is an excel­lent example of archi­tec­tural repur­posing.

References 3

Known for its sustain­able approach, the dm retail chain's Schon­dorf branch oper­ates with zero fossil fuels, and gets its energy from smart tech­nology.

Need help?

Find out more about how you can make your busi­ness grow with our solu­tions, support and part­ner­ship.