Hotel solu­tions

You want to offer your customers safety, reli­a­bility and peace of mind. As an expert partner for 

elec­trical building infra­struc­ture, we make sure you deliver this.


A partner you can rely on

Thanks to the flex­ible elec­trical infra­struc­ture we help you create; hotels can offer their guests a memo­rable expe­ri­ence and make them feel truly at home. This leads to increased customer loyalty and greater return on invest­ment. We drive this through inno­va­tion at all levels - from excep­tional design, inter­con­nected devices and systems to services and analysis. Our broad port­folio includes solu­tions for guest rooms, communal areas and the entire building. You can choose from an unprece­dented variety of shapes, finishes, mate­rials and colours, enabling indi­vidual solu­tions for every archi­tec­tural concept while adding a personal touch. In addi­tion, you can always count on our backup, wher­ever and when­ever you need it. We have over 60 years’ expe­ri­ence in helping customers expand their capa­bil­i­ties and work more effec­tively.

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Hobo Hotel,

Award-winning inte­rior designers, Studio Aisslinger from Berlin created a unique envi­ron­ment for this charming boutique hotel in Stock­holm. With 201 rooms, modern design and func­tion­ality come together in style at the Hobo. Design knobs from the classic berker R-series add elegance and high quality to provide small details with a big impact.

Every­thing you need
for hotels

Offer your hotel customers many bene­fits by choosing from our exten­sive range of inno­v­a­tive solu­tions.

  • Straight­for­ward and rapid to install, as well as easy to main­tain.
  • High-quality prod­ucts for room solu­tions, energy distri­b­u­tion, energy manage­ment and cable manage­ment.
  • Energy-effi­cient prod­ucts that reduce oper­ating costs.
  • With our compre­hen­sive support we are with you every step of the way.
  1. Energy Distri­b­u­tion

    Your customers should rest easy, knowing that the energy distri­b­u­tion within their hotels is safe and reli­able, regard­less of the size of the building.

    To facil­i­tate this, we have devel­oped an entire range with the multiple objec­tives of high-level energy perfor­mance, ease of instal­la­tion and straight­for­ward system expan­sion in the future. While, of course, always meeting inter­na­tional design veri­fi­ca­tion stan­dards and blending into the existing aesthetics of the building.

    We are your one-stop shop for sockets for hotel cards, USB, DND, MUR, shavers, inter­na­tional plugs and solu­tions for hand­i­capped people. For our USB sockets alone, we offer four different colours and 28 cover plate finishes. Our KNX/Dali gate­ways allow smooth inte­gra­tion of lights into your KNX envi­ron­ments. And single- or double-point charging stations for elec­tric vehi­cles mean guests can conve­niently recharge when in the building. 
    Energy distribution
  2. Energy manage­ment

    Enable your customers to manage energy effi­ciency, in complete compli­ance with industry stan­dards, without compro­mising on the quality of service or the safety of their guests and prop­erty.

    One of the best ways of ensuring this is by spec­i­fying our agardio.manager energy moni­toring system. Energy guzzlers are exposed quickly, while oper­ating costs can be reduced by changing consumer behav­iour – without compro­mising on service quality, personal safety, or secu­rity of supply.

    But that’s not all. Our agardio.manager requires a minimum of config­u­ra­tion – all you have to do is set the correct para­me­ters. The device auto­mat­i­cally gener­ates a commis­sioning report. Once up and running, the system instantly detects energy supply and usage anom­alies, so your customers can sustain­ably run their oper­a­tions round the clock with virtu­ally no down­time.
    energy management
  3. Cable manage­ment

    Provide your customers with energy and data exactly where it's needed, throughout the entire lifespan of the building. 

    Our cable manage­ment solu­tions, whether running along the floor, wall or ceiling, are upgrad­able and adapt­able, and are there­fore ideal for meeting future require­ments as well as those of today. They are also specif­i­cally created to blend effort­lessly into their surround­ings from a design point of view. 

    And if you need made-to-measure solu­tions, for example because of on-site restric­tions, don’t worry. We cater for indi­vidual requests – ranging from special colours to length, and from prewired prod­ucts and mate­rial to kitting – while ensuring inte­gra­tion into trunking.
    cable mgt
  4. Room solu­tions

    Set high stan­dards with our room and building manage­ment solu­tions. For example, our pres­ence detec­tors switch off lights when no one is around, and do the same when there is suffi­cient daylight. Rollers, shut­ters and blinds can be opened and closed auto­mat­i­cally. In addi­tion, our switches, sockets and sensors combine sophis­ti­cated tech­nology with a unique design, and can add the finishing touch to any room.

    All in all, we help you create an envi­ron­ment in which hotel guests expe­ri­ence optimum comfort, conve­nience and safety - while opti­mising space allo­ca­tion and ensuring a healthy return on invest­ment.
    room solutions


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Main Incomers

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Small Enclo­sure


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Modular Protec­tion Devices

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Wiring Acces­sories

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your busi­ness grow with our solu­tions, support and part­ner­ship.


Teaming up with Hager creates value for your busi­ness in multiple ways :
comprehensive choice

Compre­hen­sive choice

You can find every­thing you need from one source. We offer a true one-stop-shop solu­tion: an extra­or­di­narily broad range of prod­ucts, backed by top-class service and support.

Ease of installations

Ease of instal­la­tion

You can count on straight­for­ward, rapid instal­la­tion of our prod­ucts, thanks to our thoughtful approach to design and construc­tion. Even in situ­a­tions where the require­ments are excep­tion­ally chal­lenging.

Future proofing

Future proofing

Offer your customers solu­tions that are built to last. We make sure our prod­ucts are flex­ible, adapt­able and sustain­able, so they can meet the needs of tomorrow as well as those of today.



Work with confi­dence and reas­sur­ance, in the knowl­edge that we can accom­pany you through all phases of your project. This helps ensure you can precisely match – or exceed – your customers’ expec­ta­tions, every time.



We’ll support you throughout your learning journey so you can grow your busi­ness.

our solu­tions



multi flat





single house
