Solu­tions by appli­ca­tion

All what you need

We have the elec­trical solu­tions you're looking for. Find out more about how we can meet your specific needs by clicking on the appro­priate link below.

Energy distri­b­u­tion

Solu­tions that combine high-level energy perfor­mance, ease of instal­la­tion and straight­for­ward system expan­sion in the future.

Wiring acces­sories

Excel­lent tech­nical perfor­mance and func­tion­ality as well as virtu­ally endless design possi­bil­i­ties – in switches, timers, sockets and a whole lot more.

Connected homes

Every­thing you need to make homes and building smarter so they can offer greater conve­nience, energy effi­ciency and safety to those who live there.

Project refer­ences

See great project outcomes from recent collab­o­ra­tions with our part­ners!

Find more solu­tions

For your project

Get depend­able elec­trical solu­tions for offices, hotels, retail, homes and multi-flat build­ings, right here!

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For your activity

We help you and your busi­ness to thrive! Discover solu­tions that are designed to save you time and help you stay effi­cient. 

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