
You’re stronger with us by your side

Grow your busi­ness – while meeting customer require­ments in terms of sustain­able energy, digi­tised building solu­tions, user-centricity and new (connected) services – by becoming an offi­cial Hager system partner. 

System Integrator

Expand your

Choose from our compre­hen­sive range that covers every­thing from sensors and actu­a­tors to energy moni­toring systems, as well as related services. 

For example, our agardio energy moni­toring solu­tions are char­ac­terised by open proto­cols for inte­gra­tion with third-party systems, compli­ance with all rele­vant energy and envi­ron­mental regu­la­tions, and straight­for­ward setting and commis­sioning. As a result, you can seam­lessly inte­grate them into many different types of systems. 

But why not go one step further and become an offi­cial Hager system partner? Together we can forge a long-term rela­tion­ship to increase your visi­bility, win projects and then imple­ment them, while making sure your opti­mized building ecosys­tems require less time to inte­grate. 

As a partner you have access to samples, dedi­cated training programs, marketing support, tech­nical exper­tise, spec­i­fi­ca­tions and docu­men­ta­tion. You can be involved at an early stage of solu­tions devel­op­ment and new product testing. There will be a local team to support you. We can even work directly with you to draw up main­te­nance contracts. In other words: we’re with you every step of the way.


tebis KNX


Control signalling

Wiring acces­sories



We’ll support you throughout your learning journey
so you can grow your busi­ness.

Making it easier for you to do busi­ness

We are a leading provider of solu­tions and services for elec­trical instal­la­tions in resi­den­tial, commer­cial and indus­trial build­ings. Working as true part­ners with our customers, we often co-create solu­tions together. It should be easy for you to do busi­ness with us, which is why we’re always on hand to help you get the best out of your projects.

“It’s my job to design safe and smart
prod­ucts which are easy and fast to install.”

Hager engi­neer

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your busi­ness grow with our solu­tions, support and part­ner­ship.