How can we help you?

We under­stand that when you’re working, there’s going be ques­tions. To save you time and to keep you moving forward, we’ve answered the most popular ques­tions already. For anything extra, we’re always here to help.

How can I contact you?

You can use the following contact form to reach us anytime needed.

Who can I contact in my local area to discuss Hager prod­ucts and services?

Our national sales team will be happy to talk to you. Do not hesi­tate to contact us on contact form to see who is closest to you.



Where can I buy your prod­ucts? 

We sell our prod­ucts through our various part­ners in Indonesia. To find your closest partner: click here.


Where can I find cata­logues and brochures?

You can down­load all our cata­logues and brochures directly from our down­load page: click here.



Do you provide train­ings on the prod­ucts?

Our experts provide train­ings sessions. Further­more, we have resources so you can learn on your own, anytime needed. For how-to-videos please click here. For direct product support or training, do not hesi­tate to contact us on contact form.