Svartedals school, Biskops­gården

Svartedalss­chool, Biskops­garden is a state-of-the-art, 2,500 square meter school in Gothen­burg and can accom­mo­date 750 students from grades four to nine. When it comes to elec­trical instal­la­tions, every­thing is focused on giving students the best learning facil­i­ties possible with opti­mised building consump­tion and energy manage­ment solu­tions, while being well adapted to antic­i­pate future inno­va­tions.

Vy över Svartedalsskolans byggnad tagen uppifrån

A modern school equipped for the future!

At Svartedalsskolan in Biskops­gården, 66 per cent of pupils were eligible for upper secondary school in 2019. This is well below the country‘s average of 85%. In recent years, the Gothen­burg region has there­fore invested in raising average grades. Among other things, a completely new school has been built.


The new school, which was inau­gu­rated during the autumn semester 2020, is both large and modern. The archi­tect‘s office Wahlström and Stei­jner gave the building a pyramid-like shape so that it would blend in among the surrounding hills.


The 12,500 square meter building can accom­mo­date 750 students in grades four to nine. In addi­tion to school premises, there is also a library, dining room, a large kitchen and a sports hall. An over-glazed atrium has also been created as a bonus area for exhi­bi­tions, work­shops and perfor­mances. When it comes to elec­trical instal­la­tions, every­thing is well thought out and adapted for the future.


Loca­tion: Biskop­sården, Gothen­burg
Year of construc­tion: 2020
Construc­tion time: 28 months
Total area: 12 400 m2
Builder: Flodén Byggnads AB
Prop­erty owner:
Gothen­burg region
Elec­trial consul­tant:
Rejlers Sverige AB
Elec­tri­cian: Elect Service AB
Archi­tect: Wahlström & Stei­jner Arkitekter AB
Prop­erty manager: Gothen­burg region

Built-in Hager solu­tions:

under­floor boxes

univers floor cabi­nets

univers wall-mounted cabi­nets

window still duct

A detailed look at the
high­lighted prod­ucts installed

Univers floor cabinet 1600A

Since the school building requires very large distri­b­u­tions, a Univers floor cabinet 1600 A is used as an incoming service. The cabinet is equipped with power, knife and diazed fuses as well as energy meters for under metering. The distri­b­u­tion feeds the other twelve centers with force.

Univers 400A, 12 centers

The wall-mounted cabi­nets are in sheet metal with IP-class IP44, which gives a very robust quality. The cabi­nets are equipped with the flex­ible universal system and equipped with main switches, diazed fuses and a number of dwarf, person and earth fault switches.

Golvbox VE09

The floor boxes ordered for Svartedalsskolan are easy to adjust and are adapted for a wide selec­tion of acces­sories. The flex­i­bility made it easy for the installers to choose Hager at an early stage as they did not know what would sit in the floor boxes. It was easy to retrofit the appli­ance box, which was then equipped with prod­ucts according to the customer‘s wishes.instal­la­tions, every­thing is well thought out and adapted for the future.

Window sill duct BRA 65x130

Since the hori­zon­tally mounted window sill ducts needed to be adapted on site, the choice fell on aluminum as it is a smooth mate­rial to work with. The instal­la­tion was both simple and fast because the joints are self-grounding and the sockets front mounted. For the class­rooms, standing chan­nels were ordered in special lengths.

Tailored solu­tions For you, with you

At Hager, we provide solu­tions for our customers which meet the elec­trical require­ments of your project. And in a format which best suits your instal­la­tion? Always by your side - For you, with you.

Want to see more?
Discover our other outstanding refer­ences.

Labo­ra­tory, Bern

This brand new labo­ra­tory for the city of Bern is the first step of an overall plan to unite all the city’s medical facil­i­ties in one place. Covering a total of 9,200m2, seven floors and three base­ments, this ultra-modern facility replaces its 80 year-old prede­cessor. Among the many Hager solu­tions installed are the distri­b­u­tion boards and 33 sub-distri­b­u­tion boards.

Hotel Sorli Emocions, Maresme (Barcelona)

The Sorli Emocions Hotel caters for fami­lies on holiday, busi­ness meeting and weekend getaways, all styled into one superb desti­na­tion. Finished with pres­tige Hager solu­tions, this 4 star also meets advanced sustain­ability stan­dards.



Villa West­ling, Stock­holm

One of the most exciting resi­den­tial projects in recent times, the Villa West­ling in Stock­holm is a testi­mony to Hager flex­i­bility and customer-centricity. While working with a world-leading archi­tect who asked for almost 100% customised solu­tions, a great part­ner­ship was formed. From berker Q.3 to KNX and witty chargers, this house is superbly equipped to serve as an excel­lent refer­ence for sustain­able, stylish and smart homes.

Learn more about Hager

Providing the solu­tions you require with the support you deserve!