
Create unique expe­ri­ences for your clients

Delight your clients with memo­rable designs, ambiances and room solu­tions, supported by our unri­valled range of solu­tions for energy infra­struc­ture and manage­ment.


Bringing life to build­ings 
For you, with you

At Hager, we accom­pany archi­tects in their work from project concep­tion to imple­men­ta­tion. We help you create smart, healthy and future-oriented build­ings, enhancing the facades of your projects with out of the box-solu­tions, while guar­an­teeing every­thing is taken care of by reli­able Hager profes­sionals.

You'll obtain sustain­able solu­tions, consis­tent design language, award-winning design concepts in a fruitful working rela­tion­ship, by your side from start to finish.

Sustain­able solu­tions 
Smart build­ings

Create cutting-edge, healthy and future-oriented build­ings and homes. Places that connect on an emotional level with people while reducing emis­sions and running costs. Build­ings that cele­brate the occu­pants and owners and guar­antee satis­fac­tion to their designers. As part of our future energy land­scape, together we'll make life cleaner and more enjoy­able for people.

Form and Func­tion 
Style and substance

No two archi­tec­tural designs are alike and the tech­nology behind them can be equally unique. That's why many archi­tects rely on pioneering solu­tions from Hager. For special demands, we can supply hand­made, indi­vidual design requests in count­less mate­rials, colours and other customiza­tions, supplying aesthetic finish­ings to any building or room.

Consis­tency of design
Harmonies of colour

In the end, it's always the little things that make the differ­ence. For example, our multiple, design award-winning switches and sockets have prevailed across the decades of archi­tec­tural trends and fash­ions. Another pleasing detail, the indoor stations of our door commu­ni­ca­tion systems can be harmo­niously matched in mate­rials and shapes to any of our switch ranges, compli­menting any archi­tec­tural concept.

Key part­ner­ships
Success rarely happens alone

We work for you and with you. We’ve been collab­o­rating with archi­tects for over 60 years, we under­stand your needs and can enhance your visions. Despite our leading role in the industry we’re still a family busi­ness. This means we're able to combine taking time to listen to you, backed by the weight of our design/produc­tion capa­bility. Let's set the scene for a fruitful and fulfilling rela­tion­ship with excel­lent project outcomes.


Connected homes


Making it easier for you to do busi­ness

We are a leading provider of solu­tions and services for elec­trical instal­la­tions in resi­den­tial, commer­cial and indus­trial build­ings. Working as true part­ners with our customers, we often co-create solu­tions together. It should be easy for you to do busi­ness with us, which is why we’re always on hand to help you get the best out of your projects.

“It’s my job to design safe and smart
prod­ucts which are easy and fast to install.”

Hager engi­neer

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your busi­ness grow with our solu­tions, support and part­ner­ship.