End User

A safe, effi­cient and comfort­able home 

Your house is a place that ought to make your life easier. One that brings joy, comfort and conve­nience while reflecting your indi­vid­u­ality, and helps in keeping your energy bills low. That‘s why Hager is your all-embracing choice.

End Users

Every­thing you need
from one trusted brand

Whether you’re reno­vating an existing house or having a new one created, we’ve got the solu­tions you need. They come in an unprece­dented variety of shapes, finishes, mate­rials and colours, so you can add the finishing touch to rooms of all kinds, from mini­mal­istic modern to retro – as well as anything in between.

Yet it’s not just about aesthetics. Every­thing we offer – from sockets, switches and sensors to lights, secu­rity systems, home automa­tion, temper­a­ture manage­ment and energy moni­toring – is designed to make your house a more sustain­able and pleasant place to live. 

On top of that, our solu­tions are char­ac­terised by reli­a­bility, high perfor­mance, ease of instal­la­tion, plus compli­ance with all rele­vant stan­dards. They are scal­able and flex­ible too; we don’t just design for today – we also design for the future. You can smoothly connect equip­ment from other manu­fac­turers, as well as sustain­able energy sources. 


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Small enclo­sures

“It’s my job to design safe and smart
prod­ucts which are easy and fast to install.”

Hager engi­neer

Live your dream

The ultra-slim, frame­less design allows the switch to be inte­grated into the wall; the simple and large panel makes the contact easy, and each touch creates the most pleasant moment.

Design for a better life

Creative round design. Conjoined switch, socket and data combi­na­tion, a delight on the wall, conve­nient and beau­tiful.

Design for comfort and safety

Gath­ering the beauty of life's flex­i­bility, collecting the scenes of space painting, always accom­pa­nying night­fall light, only wishing to light your heart for returning home.

Join us now!

Contact us

Find out more about how you can make your busi­ness grow with our solu­tions, support and part­ner­ship.