Energy meters

Analyze the quality of the grid with Hager elect­ricity meters.
Comply with applic­able standards and analyze your grid quality using elect­ricity meters. Our energy mete­ring solutions help you better unde­rstand and improve your elect­rical instal­lation.

Comptage energie electrique hager, compteurs electriques

A comp­lete energy mete­ring solution!

Energy tran­s­parency in all areas is becoming more and more impo­rtant. The prere­quisite for this is inte­l­li­gent energy meters, which record all consumption and, if needed, pass it on. The new gene­ration of energy meters from Hager offers tailor-made solutions for any applic­ation.


Compliance with elect­rical standard

You are required to comply with certain standards that vary acco­rding to your region, as well as envi­ronme­ntal measures of IEC 60 364-8-1 and ISO 50 001. Make sure that your building should contain devices suit­able for energy measurement acco­rding to the region or purpose of use (lighting, heating, etc.).

Reduce your elect­rical bills

Would you like to reduce the energy costs of your building? To go further and create real perfo­rmance metrics, advanced meters give you a better view of the varia­nces assoc­i­ated with the quality of the power grid.

Detect network errors

With our advanced measurement solutions, you have an accurate view of your building's energy consumption to:
- Detect anomie and disorders in the network,
- Predict drifts,
- Unde­rstand how you consume to negotiate your elect­ricity cont­ract more effect­i­vely.

Energy meters and current tran­s­fo­rmers

The perfect combin­ation

For the first time, the new three phase energy meters enable direct measurements up to 125 A for all inte­rfaces. This is only avai­lable from Hager! For indirect measurements up to 6,000 A, energy meters are avai­lable with pulse, M-Bus or Modbus inte­rface. In addition, you will receive a suit­able range of current tran­s­fo­rmers that convert high primary currents (50 - 4,000 A) into seco­ndary currents up to max. 5 A and protect conn­ected meas­uring devices against over-current.
compteur électrique, armoire électrique hager, comptage et gestion

Open to all commun­ic­ation chan­nels

The new energy meters commun­icate via all common inte­rfaces: depe­nding on the applic­ation via pulse measurement, M-Bus (commonly in resid­e­ntial buildings) or Modbus (predom­in­antly in funct­i­onal buildings).The Modbus devices are equi­pped either with screw-fast­e­ning techn­o­logy or with practical plug-and-play plug-in techn­o­logy. In the latter case, a reverse polarity prot­ected RJ45 plug guarantees error-free connection and easy linking to the energy monito­ring server agardio.manager.

1-phase 230 V

Directly to 40A Direct

No commun­ic­ation | ECN140D

Pulsed commun­ic­ation ECP140D

M-bus series commun­ic­ation ECM140D

RS485 series commun­ic­ation ECR140D

Single-phase 80A Direct

Pulsed commun­ic­ation | ECP180D

M-bus series commun­ic­ation | ECM180D

RS485 series commun­ic­ation ECR180D

RJ45 plug-in techn­o­logy | ECA180D

3-phases 400 V

Three-phase 80A Direct

Pulsed commun­ic­ation | ECP380D
M-bus series commun­ic­ation | ECM380D
RS485 series commun­ic­ation | ECR380D

RJ45 plug-in techn­o­logy | ECA380D

Three-phase 125A Direct

Pulsed commun­ic­ation | ECP310D
M-bus series commun­ic­ation | ECM310D
RS485 series commun­ic­ation | ECR310D

RJ45 plug-in techn­o­logy | ECA310D

Indirectly up to 6,000 A with / 5 or 1 CT ratio

Pulsed commun­ic­ation | ECP300C

M-bus series commun­ic­ation | ECM300C
RS485 series commun­ic­ation | ECR300C

RJ45 plug-in techn­o­logy | ECA300C

Which mete­ring solution is ideal for my building?

Hager's energy meters are real data gene­rators, providing you with the right information to analyse your elect­rical instal­lation. A better unde­rstanding of your instal­lation helps you make the right decis­ions and improve your behaviour.

There are two types of energy meters:

  • Simple mete­ring measures energy consumption in kWh (as on your energy bill).
  • Advanced mete­ring which provides more accurate information about your consumption.

ISO 50001 - The energy management standard

More and more companies are striving towards cert­ific­ation in acco­rdance with inte­rn­at­ional energy management standard ISO 50001. With structured energy management, companies not only consume less elect­ricity as a result of reduced primary energy consumption. In fact, companies actually receive more money, as the majo­rity of the EEG (German Rene­w­able Energy Sources Act) levy is reimb­ursed.

Curre­ntly around 7 euro cents per kWh. In larger companies or prop­e­rties, this can amount to tens of thous­ands of euros per year. With the new energy meters from Hager, you can cons­ist­e­ntly exploit these cost advantages. And save on the whole stre­amline!

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Get in touch with us. We're here for you.
