Protection Devices | Hager Turkey

Protec­tion Devices

Hager offers a wide range of protection devices, such as miniature circuit breakers, auxiliaries and accessories, RCD add-on-blocks, single pole and switched neutral devices, 2 and 4 pole RCCBs, RCCB auxiliaries, RCBOs, HRC fuse carriers, motor starters, earth fault relays and surge protection devices.


Maximize circuit safety against over­cur­rent flow of install­a­tion


Current relays to prevent elec­tric leakage and protect against elec­tric shock

Auxil­i­aries and Accessories

Auxil­i­aries and accessories for MCBs, RCCBs and RCBOs

Fork Insu­lated Busbars and Accessories

Ensure resid­en­tial security by controlling elec­tri­city

Motor Starters

Protect the circuit against undesir­able situ­ations

HRC Fuse Carriers

Fast protec­tion against over­cur­rent and short circuits

Surge Protec­tion Devices

Surge protec­tion device