Home | Hager Turkey
Two professionals smiling and looking at a tablet in a modern office environment

Welcome to
your new website !

It's more than just a change of look - we're launc­hing new content and features for you. Enjoy!

Two Hager employees discussing work on a laptop in a modern office setting

For you, with you.

Listen, collabo­rate and create together. With you expe­ri­ence combined with our high-quality solutions, we can inno­vate together and obtain the best results.

Our partners
are ready to help you

Hager Turkey office supp­lies it’s products excl­usi­vely through elect­rical partners and has an inte­n­sive coope­ration. 


All the ways to learn
with Hager

Wherever and when­ever it suits you. 

Comp­lete elect­rical infrastructure solutions for all types of buildings and homes

You’ve come to
the right place!

Wherever you are in the construction process, we’d like to work with you at every stage of your project, and with all the parties invo­lved.



Don't go it alone! Enjoy total Hager support and solutions.



Get a leading manufacturer's support and acquire all you need for succ­e­s­sful projects.



Create cust­om­ised designs, enjoy high-perfo­rmance solutions backed with unri­valled support.


Panel builder

Ensure that cust­o­mers always get high-quality solutions by becoming an official Hager system partner.

System integrator

System integrator

Become an official Hager System Partner and benefit from all-incl­usive support. 

end users


Beauty and inte­l­li­gence meet to ease and improve expe­ri­ence at your home.

The best products
for your projects

Check out our range of elect­rical instal­lation solutions

Energy distribution

Energy distribution

From a distribution board to the main distribution system, within our e-catalogue you'll find distrib­utors up to 630 A, incl­uding all the comp­o­n­ents needed for desi­gning or scaling up a safe instal­lation.

Switching and securing

Energy management

The Hager energy management system flow is recom­me­nded for home­o­wners who want more: With energy storage, energy management cont­ro­ller and the witty charging station, this system offers a high degree of self-suff­ic­i­ency.

Modular component

Cable management

Hager's range of cable management products sets new standards for modern elect­rical wiring in terms of safety, inno­vation, economy and flex­i­bility. They have been desi­gned and manufactured to comp­l­ement the Hager product system.
Switching devices

Wiring acce­s­s­ories

Easy to install, exce­pt­i­onal quality and with a wide choice of classic and contempo­rary Berker switch designs, incl­uding three stylish standard series.


Conn­ected homes

We're making apartments and buildings smarter, safer, more econ­om­ical and even more comfo­rtable. Techn­o­logy meets with stri­king design.

Room solutions

Room solutions

Energy and data, thro­ug­hout the entire building, stra­ight to where you need it. Clever cable management via the ceil­ings, floors, walls or inside the room itself.

You can count on us, we’re ready

You'll find lots of instruct­ions, how-to videos and FAQs on our website, alon­gside plenty of other inte­resting pages and content to make your work easier. Can't find what you're looking for? Just get in touch!


Offe­ring impartial advice, comp­re­he­n­sive guid­ance and support for each other with knowl­edge sharing. These are amongst our key values. Do you already know what we can do for you? Simply get in touch!

Get support now

Training and events

Our spec­i­a­l­ists are eager to share their knowl­edge with you, whether in training sess­ions, webinars or at an event. We'll be delig­hted to meet you live and in person. Get useful and easily acce­s­sible information to simplify your work.

Training makes us stro­nger!

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Our partners

Our whol­e­sale partners are also here to help and our natio­n­wide and abroad network ensures we have exce­l­lent avai­la­bility. You can rely on the technical expe­rtise of our panel building and home automation partners.

Find a whol­e­s­aler

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Let's build


You want to deliver office solutions that meet the highest standards, in terms of flex­i­bility, conn­ect­i­vity, comfort and perfo­rmance: We're the ideal partner to help you achieve that.
multi flat


You want to offer your guests safety, reli­a­bility and peace of mind. As an expert partner for elect­rical building infrastructure, we make sure you deliver this.
single house


We offer many thous­ands of easy-to-install products, from elect­rical boards and wiring acce­s­s­ories to entire conn­ected solutions, that ensure elect­ricity is deli­vered safely and reli­ably to your cust­o­mers’ homes.
multi flat


We are the partner of choice for any regular or tailor-made solutions for buildings and flats. Teaming up with us means a guarantee of energy effic­i­ency, resid­e­ntial comfort and security.

Latest news
from Hager

Get all the latest on product launches, events, inno­vat­ions and much more. 

Comp­l­etely updated domovea home automation

With domovea, through a single server and its App, you have the simp­lest, vers­atile, effic­ient Smart Home solution for the resid­e­ntial and profe­s­s­ional sector.

Hager launches gallery, a new range of switches and sockets for hotels

gallery is the new range of Hager wall fitt­ings collection, an "art" that is desi­gned to evolve with his clients.

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Get insp­ired by recent real-life examples

Great project outc­omes from recent collabo­rat­ions with our partners. Let yourself be insp­ired by real­ized projects.




 Knowl­edge & Insp­i­ration


Need help? Any question?

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solutions, support and partn­e­rship.