Panel builder

Teaming up to expand your business 

Grow your business as well as your reputation. Ensure that cust­o­mers always get high-quality solutions by becoming an official Hager system partner.

Panel Builders

Realise your
full pote­ntial

You don’t need to look further for elect­rical distribution panels. With Hager by your side, you have the reass­urance that you can provide cert­i­fied solutions to your cust­o­mers that meet even the most demanding requirements. Together we can also win projects and then implement them together, while making sure that you realise the full pote­ntial of your business. You’ll receive all the backing you need. For example, we provide you with software, documentation and product training. Support for engin­e­e­ring, quotat­ions and project implementation. Pre-sales elect­rical engin­e­e­ring support (e.g. network calc­u­lation) on demand, as well as after-sales services like elect­rical power quality anal­ysis. We have local ware­h­o­uses in many countries, stocked with your needs in mind. 


Distribution boards

Hager encl­os­ures enable for larger projects and more options. It eases plan­ning, building and instal­ling, while drop­ping mainte­n­ance work to an all-time low.  

h3+ MCCBs

The new gene­ration of h3+ circuit brea­kers ensures reli­able prot­ection against overl­oads and short circ­uits, combined with accurate inte­g­rated energy monito­ring for all low voltage distribution systems.



We’ll support you thro­ug­hout your learning journey so you can grow your business.

Making it easier for you to do business

We are a leading provider of solutions and services for elect­rical instal­lat­ions in resid­e­ntial, commercial and industrial buildings. Working as true partners with our cust­o­mers, we often co-create solutions together. It should be easy for you to do business with us, which is why we’re always on hand to help you get the best out of your projects.

“It’s my job to design safe and smart
products which are easy and fast to install.”

Partn­e­rs­hips grow
your business

As a partner you`ll be able to enhance both your services and your profits. Disc­over why you should become a Hager partner.


Need help? Any question?

Find out more about how you can make your business grow with our solutions, support and partn­e­rship.